涓撳洓璇硶璇嶆眹 | |
2010-08-17 14:17:43
Test Seventeen顎冾€冾€?br /> 琛ㄧず寤鸿銆佸懡浠ょ瓑鎰忎箟鐨勮櫄鎷熻姘?/font> 杩欑铏氭嫙寮忕敤鍦╯uggest, demand, insist, move, order, propose, recommend, require, request绛夊姩璇嶄箣鍚庣殑that顎戝垎鍙ヤ腑銆備緥濡傦細顎?br /> In many countries, the law requires that everyone carry an identification card at all times.顎?br /> The dean recommended that she be assigned to do the most complicated job.顎?br /> She insisted that she go to the south for her holiday.顎冾€?/font> 杩戜箟璇嶈鲸鏋愵€?br />
anger, rage, fury, indignation, resentment, wrath顎?br />
杩欑粍璇嶅潎鍚湁鈥滄劋鎬掞紝姘旀伡鈥濈殑鎰忔€濄€?br />
顎?br />
anger rage fury indignation resentment wrath She reproached her husband in great anger.濂瑰崄鍒嗘皵鎰ゅ湴璐i獋涓堝か銆傤€?br /> He broke the flower pot in his rage.浠栦竴鎬掍箣涓嬫憯纰庝簡鑺辩泦銆傤€?br /> She flew into a fury when nobody would lend her any money.娌′汉鑲€熷ス閽憋紝濂逛究鍕冪劧澶ф€掋€傤€?br /> The news roused great public indignation.杩欐潯娑堟伅婵€鎬掍簡鍏紬銆傤€?br /> I was full of hatred and resentment for the severe criticism.鎴戝鎵€鍙楃殑涓ュ帀鎵硅瘎鎰熷埌鎰ゆ仺鍜屼笉婊°€傤€?br /> The Grapes of Wrath was written by John Steinbeck.銆婃劋鎬掔殑钁¤悇銆嬩竴涔︽槸绾︾堪鈥㈡柉鍧﹁礉鍏嬪啓鐨勩€? |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 鍙彲鑻辫 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong |