涓嫳瀵圭収锛氭繁鍦崇壒鍖轰笁鍗佸懆骞寸儹璇?/td> | |
2010-09-08 10:56:58
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone 娣卞湷缁忔祹鐗瑰埆琛屾斂鍖?/span> 30th anniversary 30鍛ㄥ勾 economic reform 缁忔祹鏀归潻 economic miracle 缁忔祹濂囪抗 economic boom 缁忔祹绻佽崳 economic mechanism 缁忔祹浣撳埗 social management 绀句細绠$悊 social development 绀句細鍙戝睍 leading position 棰嗗厛鍦颁綅 industrialization 宸ヤ笟鍖?/span> urbanization 鍩庨晣鍖?/span> internationalization 鍥介檯鍖?/span> modernization 鐜颁唬鍖?/span> developed countries 鍙戣揪鍥藉 developing countries 鍙戝睍涓浗瀹?/span> domestic second-tier cities 浜岀骇鍩庡競 first-tier metropolises 涓€绾уぇ閮藉競 global financial crisis 鍏ㄧ悆缁忔祹鍗辨満 make full use of 鍏呭垎鍒╃敤 a young and booming city 骞磋交鍏呮弧娲诲姏鐨勫煄甯?/span> a city of immigrants 绉绘皯鍩庡競 sustain enormous pressures 閬彈宸ㄥぇ鍘嬪姏 economic transformation 缁忔祹杞瀷 industrial restructuring 浜т笟鏀圭粍 inland regions 鍐呴檰鍖哄煙 labor-intensive industries 鍔冲姩瀵嗛泦鍨嬩骇涓?/span> capital-and-technology-intensive industries 璧勯噾鎶€鏈瘑闆嗗瀷浜т笟 the high and new technology industries 楂樻柊鎶€鏈骇涓?/span> traditional industries 浼犵粺浜т笟 real economy 瀹炰綋缁忔祹 virtual economy 铏氭嫙缁忔祹
less-developed areas
娆犲彂杈惧湴鍖?/span> nationwide controversy 鍏ㄥ浗鎬т簤璁?/span> bad working conditions 鎭跺姡鐨勫伐浣滅幆澧?/span> management 绠$悊 employee 闆囧伐 employer 闆囦富 long-latent 闀挎湡娼滀紡鐨?/span> labor-capital contradictions 鍔宠祫鍐茬獊 labor value 鍔冲姩鍔涗环鍊?/span> human capital 浜哄姏璧勬湰 transaction cost 浜ゆ槗鎴愭湰 democratic rights 姘戜富鏉冨埄 legitimate rights 鍚堟硶鏉冨埄 interests 鍒╃泭 supervision 鐩戠潱 administrative affairs 琛屾斂浜嬪姟 chain reaction 杩為攣鍙嶅簲 equality and fairness 骞崇瓑涓庡叕骞?/span> fight corruption 鍙嶈椽 favorable environment 鑹ソ鐨勭幆澧?/span> play its leading role 璧峰埌甯﹀ご浣滅敤 take over 鎺ョ local officials 鍦版柟瀹樺憳 coastal regions 娌挎捣鍦板尯 socialist cause 绀句細涓讳箟浜嬩笟 prosperity 绻佽崳 people's happiness銆?/span> 浜烘皯鐨勫垢绂?/span> achieve significant economic progress 鍙栧緱宸ㄥぇ鐨勭粡娴庡彂灞?/span> window of China's reform and opening-up to the world 涓浗闈㈠悜涓栫晫鏀归潻寮€鏀剧殑绐楀彛 |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 鐜悆鏃舵姤 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong |