鍙岃锛氬┐鍎挎満鍣ㄤ汉浼氬摥绗?浣撻獙鑲插効涔愯叮 | |
2010-03-12 14:01:59
An engineering student soothes Yotaro, a robot which emulates a real baby at Tsukuba University in Japan. Yotaro's face, made of soft translucent silicon with a rosy hue, is backlit by a projector connected to a computer to simulate crying, sneezing, sleeping and smiling, while a speaker can let out bursts of baby giggles. (Agencies) It giggles and wigglesits feet when you shake its rattle, but will get crankyand cry from too much tickling: Meet Yotaro, a Japanese robot programmed to be as fickleas a real baby. The cuddlybaby-bot looks unearthly with a pair of luminous blue eyes and oversized cheeks, but engineering students are hoping it will teach young people the pleasures of parenting as Japan faces a demographiccrisis. "Yotaro is a robot with which you can experience physical contact just like with a real baby and reproduce the same feelings," said Hiroki Kunimura of Tsukuba University's robotics and behavioral sciences lab north of Tokyo. Yotaro's face, made of soft translucent silicon with a rosy hue, is backlitby a projector connected to a computer to simulate crying, sneezing, sleeping and smiling, while a speaker can let out bursts of baby giggles. The baby changes its facial expressions and moves its arms and legs when different parts of its face and body are touched. Physical contact is detected by sensors, and Yotaro's mood changes based on the frequency of touches. Yotaro also simulates a runny nose, with the help of a water pump that releases body-temperature droplets of water through the nostrils. While the baby robot has a balloon-sized head and exaggerated facial features, its inventors nonetheless hope "Yotaro could help young parents to learn about raising a baby," said research team member Masatada Muramoto. "We came up with the idea of a baby robot because we wanted to reproduce a human being's warmth and skin colour," said Kunimura. "We decided on an infant that has not yet learnt to talk because the feelings generated towards a newborn will be the same for everyone, and because interaction is less complicated than if we had made it talk." Japan is already famous for highly sophisticated robots, from Honda's humanoid Asimo to pancake-flipping chef Motoman to Paro the fluffy robot seal that helps ease loneliness among the elderly. Hundreds of thousands of industrial robots toil in factories, while robo-receptionists can serve tea, greet guests or vacuumcorridors.
杩欎釜鏈哄櫒浜哄┐鍎跨殑澶栬〃涓庝紬涓嶅悓锛屽畠鏈夌潃瓒呭ぇ鐨勮劯棰婂拰涓€鍙岃摑鑹插彂浜殑鐪肩潧锛岀湅涓婂幓鍗佸垎璁ㄤ汉鍠滅埍銆傜爺绌朵汉鍛樺笇鏈涘湪鏃ユ湰闈复浜哄彛鍗辨満鐨勫ぇ鑳屾櫙涓嬶紝杩欐鏈哄櫒浜鸿兘璁╁勾杞讳汉浣撻獙鍒拌偛鍎跨殑涔愯叮銆?/span> 浣嶄簬涓滀含鍖楅儴鐨勭瓚娉㈠ぇ瀛︽満鍣ㄤ汉鎶€鏈拰琛屼负绉戝瀹為獙瀹ょ殑鍥芥潙骞垮煄璇达細鈥滈槼澶儙鍙互璁╀綘浣撻獙鍒颁笌鐪熸濠村効杩涜韬綋鎺ヨЕ鐨勬劅瑙夛紝杩欑鎰熻鏄竴鏍风殑銆傗€?/span> 闃冲お閮庣殑鑴搁儴鐢辨煍杞崐閫忔槑鐨勭帿鐟拌壊纭呰兌鍒舵垚銆傚畠鐨勮劯閮ㄤ笅闈㈡湁涓€涓姇褰辫澶囨墦鍑鸿儗鍏夛紝杩欎釜璁惧涓庣數鑴戠浉鑱旓紝鍦ㄧ數鑴戠殑鎺у埗涓嬶紝闃冲お閮庝細鍋氬嚭鍝常銆佹墦鍠峰殢銆佺潯瑙夊拰寰瑧绛夊姩浣滃拰琛ㄦ儏锛屽悓鏃惰繕鏈変竴涓壃澹板櫒鍙互鍙戝嚭闃甸樀鍜挴鐨勫┐鍎跨瑧澹般€?/span> 褰撹Е鎽糕€滈槼澶儙鈥濊劯閮ㄥ拰韬綋鐨勪笉鍚岄儴浣嶆椂锛屽畠鐨勯潰閮ㄨ〃鎯呬細鍙戠敓鍙樺寲锛岃繕浼氱Щ鍔ㄨ兂鑶婂拰鍙岃吙銆傞槼澶儙閫氳繃浼犳劅鍣ㄦ劅鍙椾汉鐨勨€滅埍鎶氣€濓紝鏍规嵁瑙︽懜棰戠巼鐨勪笉鍚岋紝闃冲お閮庣殑鈥滄儏缁€濅篃浼氶殢涔嬪彉鍖栥€?/span> 闃冲お閮庤繕浼氭祦榧绘稌锛岃繖涓€鍔熻兘涓昏閫氳繃涓€涓按娉垫潵瀹炵幇銆傚湪姘存车鐨勫府鍔╀笅锛屼笌浣撴俯娓╁害宸笉澶氱殑姘存淮灏变細浠庨槼澶儙鐨勯蓟瀛斾腑娴佸嚭銆?/span> 杩欎釜鏈哄櫒浜哄┐鍎跨殑澶村拰姘旂悆宸笉澶氬ぇ灏忥紝闈㈤儴鐗瑰緛涔熸瘮杈冨じ寮狅紝浣嗙爺绌跺皬缁勬垚鍛樻潙鏈蹇犺锛屽畠鐨勫彂鏄庤€呭笇鏈涒€滃畠鑳藉甯姪骞磋交澶瀛︿細濡備綍鑲插効銆傗€?/span> 鍥芥潙璇达細鈥滃埗閫犺繖娆炬満鍣ㄤ汉婧愪簬鎴戜滑鎯充豢鍒朵汉绫讳綋娓╁拰鑲よ壊鐨勬兂娉曘€傗€?/span> 鈥滄垜浠喅瀹氬埗閫犱竴娆句笉浼氳璇濈殑濠村効鏈哄櫒浜猴紝鍥犱负澶у瀵规柊鐢熷効鐨勬劅瑙夐兘宸笉澶氾紝鑰屼笖鐩稿浜庝細璇磋瘽鐨勬満鍣ㄤ汉锛屼笌涓嶄細璇磋瘽鐨勬満鍣ㄤ汉浜ゆ祦璧锋潵涔熺畝鍗曚竴浜涖€傗€?/span> 鏃ユ湰绱犱互鍒堕€犻珮绔簿瀵嗘満鍣ㄤ汉鑰岃憲绉帮紝浠庢湰鐢板叕鍙哥殑浠夸汉鏈哄櫒浜洪樋瑗胯帿鍒颁細鎶涚厧楗肩殑鍘ㄥ笀鏈哄櫒浜鸿帿鎵樻浖鍐嶅埌甯姪鑰佸勾浜烘帓瑙e瘋瀵炵殑姣涜尭鏈哄櫒娴疯惫甯曠綏锛屼簲鑺卞叓闂紝鏃犳墍涓嶆湁銆?/span> 鍙﹀杩樻湁鑳藉鑼躲€佽繋瀹俱€佷細鐢ㄥ惛灏樺櫒鐨勬満鍣ㄤ汉鎺ュ緟鍛橈紝浠ュ強鏁板崄涓囧湪宸ュ巶閲屽姵浣滅殑宸ヤ笟鏈哄櫒浜恒€?/span> Vocabulary: wiggle:to move from side to side or up and down in short quick movements; to make something move in this way 锛堜娇锛夋壄鍔紝鎽嗗姩锛屾憞鍔?/span> rattle:a baby's toy that makes a series of short loud sounds when it is shaken 鎷ㄦ氮榧?/span> cranky:bad-tempered 鑴炬皵鍧忕殑 fickle:changing often and suddenly 鏄撳彉鐨勶紱鏃犲父鐨?/span> cuddly:if a person is cuddly, they make you want to cuddle them 浠や汉鎯虫嫢鎶辩殑 |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong |