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Funeral held for former Chinese vice premier Gu Mu
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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2009-11-16 21:28:36

    Chinese President Hu Jintao (R) brings his condolences to a relative of the late former Chinese Vice Premier Gu Mu in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 16, 2009. (Xinhua/Liu Jiansheng)

         A funeral for former Chinese Vice Premier Gu Mu was held at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing on Monday.

        Gu died of illness on Nov. 6 at 96.

    Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin (R) brings his condolences to a relative of the late former Chinese Vice Premier Gu Mu in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 16, 2009.(Xinhua/Liu Jiansheng)

        President Hu Jintao, former president Jiang Zemin and other senior leaders attended the funeral.

        Gu also served as a state councilor and vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, China's top political advisory body.

        While in office, Gu was mainly in charge of the country's economic work during the 1970s and 1980s.

    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? xinhua 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Yang Fan