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Chow Yun-fat: Confucius Bored Me to Death
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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2009-09-09 09:52:01

    Chow Yun-fat at the press briefing for film "Confucius", September 2, 2009. [Photo:]

    Forget the grave, poker-faced swordsman in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Wohu Canglong), Chow Yun-fat turns the tables in his latest role as the sober philosopher Confucius. But the way he tells the story is hilarious.

    "My bodyguards and driver told me that I often repeated in Confucius sayings while in the bathroom and cars," the jovial 54-year-old told the press this week.

    "I asked them how I sounded, and they said: Your Mandarin sucks!"

    And there was more laughter in store for the amused press gallery.

    "To tell you the truth, I have been bored to death over the past three months. It is a mistake to cast me as Confucius! It is all my wife's idea to make me take the role, she controls my money!"

    Maybe that is his way to deal with the pressure of playing the most influential thinker, philosopher and educator in China who lived 2,500 years ago.

    It is not an easy job for any star, when tens of millions followers of your character are ready to pick a flaw.

    Director Hu Mei is very supportive, though.

    "Confucius is lucky to have Chow play him," she says.

    The veteran director, known for depicting powerful historical figures, has just wrapped up the shooting and is now busy on post-production.

    Other actors laud Chow's performance. He is a modern Confucius, they say. Zhou Xun who acts opposite Chow says she was learning all the time.

    Chow continues to play the funny man. "I know nothing about Confucius. I act as directed," he says.

    But apparently he is quite serious about the role.

    Two years ago, when Hu offered him the first draft of the film's screenplay, Chow refused, because the character of Confucius was too young.

    He only said yes when the script was revised and Confucius was made older. "That was close to my own age and I can handle it," he says.

    Chow and Hu quickly reached an agreement on how to portray the master.

    "I do not play a character with a halo. I know only how to play a real person," he says.

    "And Hu too told me she wants to depict a person, not a god."

    Like in all his movies, Chow worked hard. The make-up took two and a half hours each time and the Cantonese speaker had to perfect his Mandarin.

    Chow also had to learn ancient rituals and lose 4 kg. This role was not all about jokes.

    The film will premiere in spring.

    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong