双语阅读:2016李克强总理记者会文字实录 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-03-22 10:54:33 |
【中央人民广播电台、央广网记者】 谢谢主持人。总理您好。您刚才谈到简政放权时谈到了政务公开,大家对政务公开也是有越来越高的期待,每年依法申请公开信息的数量也在逐渐增多。但是一些地方和部门不够“给力”,发布消息相对滞后,大家心里有些着急,有些意见。请问总理您怎么看?谢谢。 China National Radio: Just now you mentioned increasing transparency in government affairs. Our people have high hopes for great openness of government affairs, and each year the number of applications for the release of government information has been on the rise. However, we have seen that some government departments and local authorities are not so quick in releasing related information, which the people are quite unhappy about. What steps will be taken to address this problem? 【李克强】 政务公开和简政放权可以说都是推进政府职能转变的关键,中央也明确要求,要推进政务公开,我们还要在若干方面进行努力。首先,该公开的应该全部公开。公开是惯例,不公开是例外。尤其是涉及到公众利益的措施,财政预算收支情况等,都应该加大公开的力度,让群众像扫二维码一样清清楚楚、一览无余。 Streamlining administration and increasing transparency of government affairs are both essential for transforming government functions. There is no problem with the firm resolve of the central government to increase the openness of government affairs, and further steps will be taken in this respect. First, any information that can be made public should be released. So openness will be standard practice, whereas the lack of this an exception. More information needs to be made public if it concerns an issue that involves public interests or it concerns the balance sheet of public finances. We should make government information as easily accessible for our people as just one click away. 第二,能上网的要尽可能上网。政府的权力清单要上网,权力的运行也要上网,要留下痕迹,这样可以减少自由裁量的空间。人们不是常说“人在做、天在看”吗?现在是云计算的时代,我们要让“权在用、云在看”。行使权力不能打小算盘。 Second, we need to upload as much information as possible onto the Internet. We need to release the government list of powers, and this will help us narrow the space for any fraudulent use of office. People used to say, "As man is doing, heaven is watching." I guess in this era of cloud computing, it should be, "Cloud is watching, watching how power is being used," and in the exercise of power by governmental departments, there should be no practice of making calculating moves for personal gain. 第三,要及时回应社会的关切。我们出台一些政策,本来是为了利民、惠民,群众看不懂、有疑问,那就要解释。一些合理的建议,该修改的就要修改。要让政策的内涵透明,而且也回应民意。今年两会前,我就要求国务院的部长们要主动发声,回答记者的提问。不是有一个“部长通道”吗?我跟他们说:你们可不能记者一发问你就拱拱手一走了之,要把嘴巴张开,直截了当地回答问题。我听说今年部长们的表现还是受到记者们的欢迎的,是不是啊? Third, the government needs to actively respond to public concerns. When we introduce a particular policy, if people have any questions or doubts about the policy, the government has the duty to give necessary explanations and even revise the policy by drawing reasonable suggestions and ideas from the general public. We need to ensure that people are fully clear about what our government policies are about. Before the two sessions opened this year, I had asked all ministers in the State Council to be more proactive in talking to the press. Was there not a passage in the Great Hall of the People for ministers to appear before the press to take their questions? What I said to the ministers is that whenever you encounter journalists, you should no longer just wave your hand and take a quick leave, rather, you need to open your mouth and answer questions straightforward. From what I heard, the performance of ministers has been warmly welcomed and received by the press. 政务公开实质上也是要让政府的权力受到监督,这样也有利于政府提高效率,而且从制度上来避免滥用权力。我们欢迎社会各界,包括媒体朋友们的监督。谢谢。 Increasing openness in government affairs will help ensure that the use of government power is properly supervised, government efficiency can be enhanced and institutional safeguards can be provided against misuse of office. So we will continue to welcome supervision from the media and the general public. Thank you. 【日本经济新闻记者】 李总理,您好。我想请问的是关于中日韩领导人会议的问题。去年中日韩领导人会议在韩国首尔举办。今年日本是主办方,中日韩三个国家之间,在包括朝鲜核问题和中日韩自由贸易协定等方面,能够合作的空间很多。请问,中方对今年的中日韩领导人会议有什么样的期待?为了出席这个会议,您将作为总理首次访问日本。很多专家认为在中国经济转型升级当中,日本企业能够发挥的作用很大。请问,您对中日经济关系的互补性有什么样的看法?谢谢。 Japan's Nikkei Business Daily: I have a question about the meeting of leaders from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea. Last year this trilateral leaders' meeting was resumed in Seoul, in the ROK, and this year Japan is the host of the trilateral leaders' meeting. We believe that there are many areas where the three countries can work with each other, for example, in addressing the DPRK nuclear issue and in pursuing the free-trade agreement involving the three countries. So my question is what are your expectations for the trilateral leaders' meeting this year? And in order to attend this meeting, you will for the first time go to Japan in your current capacity. Some experts also believe that Japanese companies can play a big role in helping China achieve economic transformation. So I want to ask for your prospective on the economic complementarity between China and Japan? 【李克强】 去年我去韩国出席了中日韩领导人会议,这本是个一年一度的会晤机制,时隔三年才重启,的确是来之不易。是否还能够顺利地进行,三方要互动,尤其是现在中日关系虽然有改善的势头,但是还不巩固,还比较脆弱,我们还应该本着双方对历史问题的原则共识,而且做到言行一致。我可不愿意看到再走回头路。 Last year I went to the ROK and attended the trilateral leaders' meeting. This meeting should have been an annual event, however, it was only resumed last year after a three-year hiatus, and this has not come easily. As to whether the format will enjoy smooth development in the future, it's very much up to the interactions among the three countries. In particular, there has been some signs of improvement of Sino-Japanese ties, but it is not fully established yet and it is still fragile. We believe that it is important to adhere to the consensus reached between the two sides on the issue of principle involving history, and it is important to match one's words with concrete actions. What I don't want to see is another disruption in the holding of such a meeting. 讲到中日韩关系也使我想到一个比较轻松的话题,就是最近韩国棋手和AlphaGO进行围棋人机大战,三国很多民众都比较关注,这也表明三国之间文化有相似之处。我不想评论这个输赢,因为不管输赢如何,这个机器还是人造的。中日韩三国或者说我们中日之间,应该有智慧来推动智能制造、发展科技合作,创造人们需要的高质量产品。而且中日韩三国经济占世界经济的五分之一,是亚洲经济的70%,我们之间的互补性很强,可以携起手来去开拓更为广阔的世界市场。谢谢! Talking about the relationship among China, Japan and the ROK, I cannot help but recalling a lighthearted topic. That is the recent match between the ROK champion and AlphaGo, the match between human and computer. It has become a very hot topic in all the three countries, I think that shows in a way that there is much commonality culturally among the three countries. I have no intention to comment on the results of the match here, but I believe, despite win or lose, after all this machine, AlphaGo, is designed and made by humans. I also believe that the three countries, or between China and Japan, can have wisdom in boosting smart manufacturing and science and technologies to develop high quality products that can better meet consumer needs. The economy of the three countries accounts for one-fifth of the global total and 70 percent of the Asian total. I believe there are many complementarities among us and if we can leverage these complementarities, we can do even better in global markets.
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |