双语阅读:2016李克强总理记者会文字实录 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-03-22 10:54:33 |
3月16日(星期三)上午十二届全国人大四次会议闭幕后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅会见采访十二届全国人大四次会议的中外记者并回答记者提出的问题。 先奉上完整版视频: 自动播放开关 自动播放
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以下为记者会全程文字实录: 【路透社记者】 近期中国股市和汇市的波动引起了国际投资者的高度关注。请问总理,您认为中国的金融市场目前面临哪些主要问题和挑战?中国政府对金融市场未来的发展和加强监管有什么计划?股市汇市和债券市场将会有哪些重点改革措施?近期的市场波动会不会影响改革的进度?深港通会不会年内推出?谢谢。 Reuters: The recent volatility in China's stock and currency markets have drawn close attention from international investors. Mr Premier, what do you think are the major problems and challenges facing China's financial markets? What are the Chinese government's plans for future financial markets and strengthening of financing regulation? What major reform steps will be adopted for the development of stock, currency and bond markets in China? Will the recent volatility in those markets hold back China's reform development? And will the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect be launched this year? 【李克强】 请你问第一个问题,你就把股市汇市等金融市场问题当“当头炮”,不过也可以理解。因为许多金融问题的表现往往早于经济问题的发生。但是金融首要任务还是要支持实体经济的发展,实体经济不发展,是金融最大的风险。去年我们采取了一系列像降息、降准、定向降准等措施,这不是量化宽松,我们始终注意把握货币供应量的松紧适度,主要还是为了降低实体经济融资的成本。所以金融机构还是要着力去支持实体经济,特别是小微企业的健康发展,绝不能脱实向虚。 You've had the first opportunity to ask a question, and you made your questions all about the financial sector. That is understandable, as many economic problems first manifest themselves in financial markets. The top priority of the financial sector is to support the development of the real economy. The truth is, the dysfunctional real economy presents the largest risk to the financial markets. Last year, we took a series of steps, including cutting interest rates, and targeted reductions of banks required reserve ratio; these were not quantitative easing measures. At the same time, we also took care to insure that there is appropriate money supply. All these steps will aim at bringing down the cost of financing and enhance the development of the real economy, so I believe the job of financial institutions is to provide better services to the real economy, especially micro and small businesses. 当然金融也有其自身的规律,要防范风险。我更关注的是金融机构本身,去年由于一些行业、企业经营困难,金融机构不良贷款比例是在上升的。但是我们有抵御风险的能力,因为商业银行的资本充足率超过了13%,高于国际标准,拨备覆盖率达到180%以上,高于我们定的150%的标准。而且我们还可以利用市场化的手段降低企业的债务率。企业债务率高是老问题了,因为中国是间接融资为主,但是我们的居民储蓄率也比较高。即便如此,不管市场发生怎样的波动,我们还是要坚定不移地发展多层次的资本市场,而且也可以通过市场化债转股的方式来逐步降低企业的杠杆率。 The financial sector also operates according to its own laws, and one should always look out for possible financial risks. Last year, because of the difficulties of companies in some sectors, the nonperforming loan ratio of some financial institutions in China increased, but we are still in the good position to defuse the financial risks because the capital adequacy ratios of commercial banks is still about 13 percent, which is below the international warning line. Those bank's provision coverage ratio is also about 180 percent, which is above the 150 percent level that we set. We also have other market-based tools at our disposal to help bring down the corporate debt ratio. A very high corporate debt ratio is not new in China, as they still raise finances mostly indirectly in China, but we have a high saving's rate. In regard to volatility in the financial market, we're determined to press ahead with the building of a multi-tiered capital market, and we can also used such a market-oriented format for equity swaps to help bring down the corporate leverage ratio. 去年由于多重因素的原因,中国股票市场发生了异常波动,有关方面采取综合性稳定市场的举措,实际上是要防范发生系统性的金融风险,这一点是做到了的。下一步怎么办?前两天我们新上任的证监会主席关于具体问题已经作了阐述,因为时间问题我不展开了。不论是股市、债市、汇市这些金融市场,本质上是市场,还是要推进市场化、法治化的改革。当然,政府有监管的责任,现在看,随着形势的变化,需要改革和完善我们的金融监管体系,要实现全覆盖,因为现在金融创新的产品很多,不能留下监管空白;要增强协调性,因为金融市场产品之间关联度比较高,协调要有权威,还要做到权责一致。中央有关部门和地方要分层负责,发现问题要及时处置,防止苗头性的问题蔓延,当然也不能容忍道德风险。总之,还是要瞪大眼睛,练就一双加强监管的“火眼金睛”。 Last year, due to multiple factors, there were some unusual fluctuations in China's stock markets. Public departments took coordinated steps to stabilize the market and prevent any sustainable financial risk, and our measure achieved the desired result. As to what will the government do the next, with respect to the development of the financial markets in China, a few days ago, our newly appointed chairman of the China Securities Regulation Commission already give elaborate answers to that, so due to time constraints I will not spell them out here. Whether it is stock markets or bond and currency markets, they are after all markets, so we will continue to pursue market-oriented reform and establish a sound, legal framework for the operation of those markets. The government has the regulatory obligation, and we still need to improve our regulatory system in China. First, there needs to be full coverage of financial regulation, as we are seeing an increase in financial innovation products. Second, we need to step up coordination because all these financial markets and products are so highly interconnected, and such coordination must be authoritative. Third, responsibility must be matched with power; governments, departments and local authorities must perform their assigned possibilities conscientiously and promptly handle any possible latent risk, and also guard against moral hazards. Basically, we must sharpen our vision to exercise the most-effective regulation. 借这个机会我还要强调一点,完善和改革金融监管制度是一个过程,当前各有关部门和地方还是要按照已定的职能履行职责,守土有责,绝不能有任何的松懈,而且还要总结经验和教训,这也是保护好金融消费者和投资者的合法权益,否则可就要拿你是问了。谢谢! Here, I want to emphasize that it will be a process for us to put in place a fully fledged financial regulatory regime, and in this process the various government departments and local authorities must continue to do a diligent job in performing their assigned responsibilities. Well, it is important, but we watch out for possible risks to ensure that the lawful rights and interests of investors and consumers will be upheld. I want to remind the various departments and local authorities that they must to do their job properly, otherwise they will be held accountable. Thank you.
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |