双语阅读:2016李克强总理记者会文字实录 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-03-22 10:54:33 |
【中国新闻社和中国新闻网记者】 谢谢主持人。总理你好。据了解,现在有些地方的养老金发放已经出现困难,一些市县在靠贷款发放养老金。请问总理,中央政府是坐视不管还是准备为他们买单?谢谢。 Governments in some localities are having difficulty in paying pension benefits. Governments of some cities and counties have even borrowed money to make the payments. My question is, will the central government sit by and be hands off, or will the central government foot their bills? 【李克强】 你提的这个问题的确很尖锐,如实告诉你,确实有个别地方发生了养老金发放困难的问题,但这是一地之难、一时之急。中国现在实施的是养老金省级统筹,省级政府有责任、也有能力通过多方筹集资金,来保证养老金的发放,确有突出困难的,只要地方政府尽力了,中央政府是会给予补助的。这三年中央财政就拿了上万亿元,但有一条,地方必须尽职尽责,而且中央政府要督促养老金按时足额发放。 You raised quite a sharp question. Honestly speaking, it is true that some localities have found it hard to make pension benefits payments, but these are only isolated cases. Now the pension schemes in China are managed at the provincial level. Our provincial governments have the responsibility and capability to raise funds through various channels to ensure the payments for pension benefits. If local governments have done their best, but still have special difficulty, the central government is prepared to extend help. In the past three years, the central government has earmarked one trillion yuan in this respect, make no mistake, local governments must exert their utmost, and the central government will supervise local governments to make sure that pension benefits are paid on time and in full. 大家都有退休、都有需要养老的一天,这里我想做个安民告示,从全面长期来看,中国政府对中国公民保证养老金发放是没有问题的。我们去年养老保险收支结余3400多亿元,累计结余34000多亿元,我们还有全国的社会保障基金储备16000亿元没有动,同时还能够划拨国有资产来充实养老基金。所以可以肯定地说,老有所养不会、也绝不能是一句空话。谢谢。 One day, we will all be retired and live on pension benefits. So here's the message of reassurance. That is, nationally speaking and in the long run, there will absolutely be no problem in meeting pension payments by the Chinese government. Last year, the surplus of our pension insurance schemes was still at 340 billion yuan, and accumulative balance was 3.4 trillion yuan. Moreover, we still have the central social security fund, which is worth 1.6 trillion yuan, as a strategic reserve that has not been touched, and we can also use State-owned assets to replenish the social security fund. So, ensuring that the elderly will be provided for cannot and will not be an empty promise. 【彭博新闻社记者】 去年在同样的场合您曾经说过,中国政府会继续下定决心推动壮士断腕的改革,在今年的政府工作报告当中,您说中国经济需要至少保持6.5%的增速。同时不同的政府部门官员也表示,在化解过剩产能过程中不会出现下岗潮。所以我想问您,如何解决好保持中国经济的一定增速以及避免可能会产生不稳定影响的下岗问题,如何确保不会影响您本人所说的对中国经济发展至关重要的改革议程的推进。 Bloomberg News: Mr Premier, in this news room last year you said China is determined to press ahead with reform that would be as painful as taking a knife to one's own flesh, and in this year's government report you talked about the need for a minimum 6.5 percent growth target, and we have also heard local officials saying there will not be layoffs as China presses ahead with overcapacity. So I am wondering how would you address concerns that the growth target and the desire to avoid potentially layoffs would bind China's hands and make it impossible to press ahead with reform that you said is crucial for Chinese economy? 【李克强】 你问问题的时候很严肃,让我略有沉重。我可以肯定地说,中国会坚定不移地推进改革,改革和发展是不矛盾的,我们恰恰可以通过结构性改革来释放市场活力,支撑经济的发展。但在这个过程中,我们也看到,的确产生了一些比较严重的过剩产能,主要是在重化工领域,现在我们已经选择了钢铁、煤炭这两个领域在去产能上先行突破,与此同时要避免出现大规模的下岗潮。 One thing is certain: that we are determined to push ahead with our reform agenda. Reform and development are not in conflict with pursuing structural reform. We can further release market vitality and drive economic development. It is true that in some sectors there are serious problems of overcapacity, especially in heavy industries and petrochemical industries. We have selected the steel and coal sectors to start with the effort of cutting overcapacity and at the same time we will also avoid massive layoffs. 过去两年,我们在钢铁领域淘汰了上亿吨的产能,涉及到上百万职工。由于我们高度重视保护职工的合法权益,保证了大量的职工转岗或得到妥善安置,可以说积累了经验。下一步要推进去产能,我们必须做到产能要去,但大量职工的饭碗不能丢,而且争取让他们拿上新饭碗。对于一时尚不能够做到的,中央财政和地方财政有能力进行妥善安置。中央已经建立了1000亿元主要用于转岗安置的专项资金,如有需要还可以增加。当然,地方政府相应配套要跟上,我们需要做到的是双赢,在去产能、促发展、稳就业之间达到一个平衡,最终在去产能的过程中,实现重化工领域的持续健康发展。谢谢! In the past two years, we have been faced with up to one hundred million tons of steel making capacity involving some one million employees, with a high priority given to protecting the interests of employees. We have taken strong steps to resettle these people and give them re-employment opportunities, and good experience have been enjoyed from the process. In a word, we will press ahead to deal with overcapacity and at the same time make sure that there will not be mass job losses. We will assign possible laid off people to new jobs and for those who still have difficulties in getting employment opportunities, the central and local government have financial resources to cover layoffs. The central government has established a 100 billion yuan fund in this respect, and if there is a need we could increase that amount. In the meantime, local governments have to do their own jobs. We hope to make it a win-win process and will strive to strike a proper balance in between. In the process we hope that by cutting overcapacity in those heavy industries, we will bring about a sustained and sound growth in these sectors. 【人民日报、人民网和人民日报客户端记者】 谢谢主持人。总理您好。您刚才提到了通过简政放权激发市场活力,我就想提问一个关于简政放权的问题。我们注意到,简政放权的改革已经进行了几年,但也有一些企业和群众反映,现在很多事办起来还很难,特别是一些事情在办理的过程当中有找不到门的感觉。请问总理,针对这种现象和问题,您下一步准备怎么办?谢谢。 People's Daily: Just now you said that the government will continue to streamline administration and delegate power to stimulate market vitality, so my question is about this government reform. This reform has been going on for several years, but some companies and people still feel that it's difficult for them to get some things done. In some cases, they even feel quite at a loss as to what to do. My question is, what will the government do to proceed with this reform? 【李克强】 很高兴能够一石三鸟,不过不是打,而是答。简政放权可以说是转变政府职能的关键,三年前就在这里,我曾经明确表示过,本届政府减少审批事项要达到1/3,现在这个目标已经提前实现了。根据第三方评估,多数企业和群众对这样做还是比较满意的,但与此同时,确实还存在许多问题,有更高的期待。 Streamlining administration and delegating powers holds the key to transforming governments' functions. Three years ago, on the same occasion, I promised that this government would cut the number of items that require State Council review and approval by one-third during its term. We have already fulfilled this target. Based on third-party evaluations, most of the companies and our people are satisfied with the progress of the reform. Yet, some problems still exist, and our people expect more from the government. 我们现在审批事项还是比较多,而且保留的事项当中有很多标准不统一。前几天我到一个代表团去参加审议,就有代表说他们要办一个医养结合的养老机构,群众很欢迎,但是这涉及到养老机构准入、医保定点、收费审批等,要跑多个部门,关键是这些部门的标准还不统一,所以让他一头雾水,像你讲的都找不到门了。这本身就束缚了产业的发展,也抑制了群众消费的需求。 At present, there are still too many items that require government approval. For those items that do need to exist, there is a lack of unified standards. A few days ago, in my discussion with some representatives of NPC deputies, one of them said that they wanted to establish a local nursing home that combines medical care with elderly care. It's a very popular idea with the local people. But many of them feel quite at a loss as to what to do, because there are different standards and they need to go through a host of government review procedures, involving market access, departments in charge of designated places for medical insurance, and how fees are going to be collected or set, etc. So all these redundant procedures have held back the development of productivity and also effective consumer demand among people. 所以简政放权必须一以贯之,哪里遇到问题、碰到阻力就要设法去解决,这是削减部门利益的事情。我们就是要用减政府权力的“痛”来换得企业、群众办事的“爽”。今年要下决心再砍掉一批审批事项,而且直接放给市场,即使是需要审批的也要简化手续。 We must make persistent efforts to forge head on this government reform and wherever there is an obstacle to this reform, the government must get right on it. The reform will cut government power but we are determined to keep doing it until our job is done, as that will deliver clear benefits to our people even if the government has to make painful adjustments. This year we are determined to further cut the number of such government approval items and leave more such items to the market. 尤其是要推进标准的统一。我们这两年推进商事制度改革,从证照合一到一证一码,就是一个统一标准的过程。结果激发了很大的群众创业热情,就是到现在,每天还有近3万个市场主体诞生。这个领域能做到,为什么其他领域就做不到?所以要给他们下达硬任务、排时间表。不仅如此,还有不少证照是没有必要的,今年也要砍掉一半。 For those items that still exist, procedures need to be simplified. We also need to further unify existing standards. In the past few years, we deepened business system reforms. We combined the requirements for business licenses and administrative permits. We have also introduced the practice of unified business licenses with the unified social credit code. All these have tremendously unleashed the creativity and entrepreneurial enthusiasm of our people. Now, on a daily basis, as many as 30,000 new market entities get registered. We will press ahead with this reform in various respects, for example, there are still too many requirements for certificates and various permits, and this year our goal is to further cut the number of such certificate requirements by half. 对那些于法无据影响群众的创业热情,甚至损害群众利益的不合理文件要坚决进行清理,该废除的废除。当然,我们说放权并不是说放任。营造公平竞争环境的监管措施必须到位,还要防止任性、任意地检查,这样简政放权才能更有效,才能让生产力发展起来、群众得到好处。我们还要推动优化服务,比如像政务公开加上互联网,让群众少跑腿,还能够办成事。谢谢。 For government documents without solid legal grounds, and that have held back the entrepreneurship of the people, or even hurt their rights and interests, they will all be cleaned up, or abrogated. But to delegate powers does not mean the government will be hands off. Instead, it needs to do a better job in ensuring a level playing field, and it also need to redress such malpractice as arbitrary regulation. We hope that throughout this process, we will further boost this productivity, and bring more benefits to the people. So the government will provide better services to the people to ensure that they can get things done with greater ease.
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |