鑻辫鏂拌瘝锛氬厛閫涘簵鍚庣綉璐?showrooming | |
2013-05-07 15:19:03
![]() 銆€銆€杩樿寰楁浘缁忕殑缃戣喘“鎶勫彿鏃?rdquo;鍚楋紵浠栦滑鍒板晢鍦鸿瘯濂借涔扮殑琛f湇锛屽皢琛f湇鐨勫彿鐮佹妱涓嬶紝鐒跺悗鍒扮綉涓婁互浣庝环璐叆銆傚叾瀹烇紝浠栦滑鍙槸showroomer(鍏堥€涘簵鍚庣綉璐棌)涓殑缇や綋涔嬩竴銆傚緢澶氫汉鍦ㄤ拱鐢靛瓙浜у搧涔嬪墠涔熶細鍏堝埌瀹炰綋搴楄瘯鐢ㄤ竴涓嬫墠鍒扮綉涓婁笅鍗曠殑銆傝繖浜涜涓虹粺绉颁负showrooming銆?/p> 銆€銆€Showrooming is the practice of going to a conventional store to look at a product and then buying it online for a cheaper price. 銆€銆€Showrooming鎸囧厛鍒颁紶缁熷疄浣撳簵鏌ョ湅鏌愪欢鍟嗗搧锛岀劧鍚庡埌缃戜笂浠ヨ緝浣庣殑浠锋牸灏嗚鍟嗗搧璐叆鐨勮涓猴紝鎴戜滑鍙互绉颁箣涓?ldquo;鍏堥€涘簵鍚庣綉璐?rdquo;銆?/p> 銆€銆€There are certain things we may want to see before we buy, because any written description or image on the web, no matter how detailed, is just no substitute for looking at the real thing. This is where showrooming kicks in. We pop down to our local bricks-and-mortar retailer who has spent precious time and money displaying products in an appealing way, and check the thing out. If satisfied, we then go home and buy said item from an online retailer, who can give us a much better deal because it doesn't have the costly overheads associated with displaying products for consumers to examine. 銆€銆€鎴戜滑鍦ㄨ喘涔版煇浜涗骇鍝佷箣鍓嶆€诲笇鏈涜兘浜茬溂鐪嬩竴涓嬶紝鍥犱负鏃犺缃戜笂 銆€銆€鐨勬枃瀛楁弿杩板拰鍥剧墖灞曠ず澶氫箞璇﹀敖锛屼粛鐒舵棤娉曚唬鏇夸翰鐪肩湅鍒板疄鐗╃殑浣撻獙銆備簬鏄紝“鍏堥€涘簵鍚庣綉璐?rdquo;灏卞嚭鐜颁簡銆傛垜浠窇鍒板綋鍦扮殑瀹炰綋搴楀幓鏌ョ湅鎯充拱鐨勯偅浠跺晢鍝侊紝杩欎簺瀹炰綋搴楅兘鏄晢瀹惰姳浜嗗ぇ閲忔椂闂村拰璧勯噾绮惧績甯冪疆鐨勩€傚鏋滄垜浠鍟嗗搧婊℃剰锛屽氨鍥炲浠庣綉缁滈浂鍞晢閭i噷灏嗗叾涔颁笅锛屽洜涓虹綉缁滈浂鍞晢涓嶇敤鍦ㄩ檲鍒楀晢鍝佹柟闈㈡湁棰濆鎴愭湰鏀嚭锛屾墍浠ユ垜浠殑鎴愪氦浠锋牸浼氭瘮瀹炰綋搴椾綆寰堝銆?/p> 銆€銆€Showrooming, it seems, is particularly prevalent in the purchase of electronic products, where consumers may like to test before they buy. People who engage in the practice, dubbed showroomers, often use mobile phones to check out the online prices whilst physically holding the product in a conventional store. 銆€銆€“鍏堥€涘簵鍚庣綉璐?rdquo;鐜拌薄浼间箮鍦ㄨ喘涔扮數瀛愪骇鍝佹椂鏇村父瑙侊紝鍥犱负寰堝浜哄湪璐拱鐢靛瓙浜у搧涔嬪墠閮芥効鎰忚瘯鐢ㄤ竴涓嬨€傞偅浜?ldquo;鍏堥€涘簵鍚庣綉璐?rdquo;鐨勯【瀹㈣绉颁负showroomer(鍏堥€涘簵鍚庣綉璐棌)锛?/strong>浠栦滑閫氬父閮芥槸鍦ㄥ疄浣撳簵鎷跨潃瀹炵墿鍟嗗搧锛岀劧鍚庣敤鎵嬫満鏌ョ湅璇ュ晢鍝佺殑缃戣喘浠锋牸銆?/p>
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? xinhua 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Yang Fan |