The Classic of Poetry | |
2012-12-28 10:20:22
![]() "Rat" painted by Li Baoshan [Photo:] 纭曢紶
銆€銆€涓夊瞾璐コ锛岃帿鎴戣偗椤俱€?/p> 銆€銆€閫濆皢鍘诲コ锛岄€傚郊涔愬湡銆?/p> 銆€銆€涔愬湡涔愬湡锛岀埌寰楁垜鎵€銆?/p> 銆€銆€ 銆€銆€纭曢紶纭曢紶锛屾棤椋熸垜楹︼紒 銆€銆€涓夊瞾璐コ锛岃帿鎴戣偗寰枫€?/p> 銆€銆€閫濆皢鍘诲コ锛岄€傚郊涔愬浗銆?/p> 銆€銆€涔愬浗涔愬浗锛岀埌寰楁垜鐩淬€?/p> 銆€銆€ 銆€銆€纭曢紶纭曢紶锛屾棤椋熸垜鑻楋紒 銆€銆€涓夊瞾璐コ锛岃帿鎴戣偗鍔炽€?/p> 銆€銆€閫濆皢鍘诲コ锛岄€傚郊涔愰儕銆?br style="line-height: normal; word-wrap: break-word" /> 涔愰儕涔愰儕锛岃皝涔嬫案鍙枫€?/p>
銆€銆€Large Rat 銆€銆€Selected from "The Book of Poetry" 銆€銆€ 銆€銆€Large rat, large rat, 銆€銆€Eat no more millet we grow! 銆€銆€Three years you have grown fat; 銆€銆€No care for us you show. 銆€銆€We'll leave you now, I swear, 銆€銆€For a happier land, 銆€銆€A happier land where 銆€銆€We may have a free hand. 銆€銆€ 銆€銆€Large rat, large rat, 銆€銆€Eat no more wheat we grow! 銆€銆€Three years you have grown fat; 銆€銆€No kindness for us you show. 銆€銆€We'll leave you now, I swear, 銆€銆€We'll leave the land of our birth 銆€銆€For a happy state where 銆€銆€We can get what we're worth. 銆€銆€ 銆€銆€Large rat, large rat, 銆€銆€Eat no more rice we grow! 銆€銆€Three years you have grown fat, 銆€銆€No rewards to our labor go. 銆€銆€We'll leave you now, I swear, 銆€銆€For a happier plain, 銆€銆€A happier plain where 銆€銆€None will groan or complain. 銆€銆€(璁告笂鍐茶瘧) 銆€銆€銆婅瘲缁忋€嬫槸鎴戝浗绗竴閮ㄨ瘲姝屾€婚泦锛屾敹鍏ヨ嚜瑗垮懆鍒濆勾鑷虫槬绉嬩腑鍙朵簲鐧惧骞寸殑璇楁瓕305绡囷紝鍙堢О銆婅瘲涓夌櫨銆嬨€傚厛绉︾О涓恒€婅瘲銆嬶紝鎴栧彇鍏舵暣鏁扮О銆婅瘲涓夌櫨銆嬨€傝タ姹夋椂琚皧涓哄剴瀹剁粡鍏革紝濮嬬О銆婅瘲缁忋€嬶紝骞舵部鐢ㄨ嚦浠娿€?/p> 銆€銆€The Classic of Poetry (Chinese:璇楃粡; pinyin: Sh墨 J墨ng), translated variously as the Book of Songs, the Book of Odes, and often known simply as its original name The Odes, is the earliest existing collection of Chinese poems and songs. It comprises 305 poems and songs, with many dating from a 10th to the 7th century BC time range. It forms part of the Five Classics. |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? CRI 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Sun DongYang |