Daniel Powter-Best Of Me | |
2012-12-24 16:16:14
![]() Daniel Powter [Photo: baidu.com] 銆€銆€Best Of Me 銆€銆€Daniel Powter
I wasn't mean the wrong way 銆€銆€鎴戝苟涓嶆兂璧颁笂閿欒鐨勯亾璺?/p> 銆€銆€won't you do me the right way 銆€銆€浣犱細涓烘垜鎸囨槑鏂瑰悜鍚? 銆€銆€where you gonna be tonight 銆€銆€浠婂浣犲張灏嗗幓寰€浣曟柟 銆€銆€coz I won't stay too long鍥犱负鎴戜笉浼氬憜寰楀お涔?/p> 銆€銆€maybe you're the light for me 銆€銆€涔熻浣犳槸鎴戠殑鍏夋槑 銆€銆€when you talk to me it strikes me 銆€銆€褰撲綘鍜屾垜浜よ皥鏃?鎴戜豢濡?/p> 銆€銆€won't somebody help me 銆€銆€鏈変汉甯姪浜嗘垜 銆€銆€coz I don't feel too strong鍥犱负鎴戞劅瑙変笉浼氬お寮虹儓 銆€銆€Was there something that I said 銆€銆€鎴戜互鍓嶆槸鍚﹁浜嗙殑浠€涔? 銆€銆€was there something that I did 銆€銆€鎴戜互鍓嶆槸鍚﹀仛浜嗙殑浠€涔? 銆€銆€or the combination I broke that did me have鍙堟垨鑰呮垜鎵撶牬浜嗘煇浜涜仈绯? 銆€銆€You know I'm hoping you sing alone 銆€銆€浣犵煡閬?鎴戝苟涓嶅笇鏈涗綘鐙嚜姝屽敱 銆€銆€though it's not your favorite song 銆€銆€灏界閭e苟涓嶆槸浣犳渶鍠滄鐨勬瓕鏇?/p> 銆€銆€don't wanna be the wind just nothing left to say 銆€銆€鎴戜笉甯屾湜浣犻蹇戒笉瀹氬彧鏄洜涓轰綘娌℃湁鐣欑粰鎴戜换浣曡█璇?/p> 銆€銆€you know that someone those spin again 銆€銆€浣犺鐭ラ亾,褰撲綘闇€瑕佷竴涓湅鍙嬫椂 銆€銆€when you do you need a friend 銆€銆€鏈変汉涓轰綘濂旇蛋蹇欑 銆€銆€don't wanna be the wind just nothing left for me 銆€銆€鎴戜笉甯屾湜浣犻蹇戒笉瀹氬彧鏄洜涓轰綘娌℃湁鐣欑粰鎴戜换浣曚笢瑗?/p> 銆€銆€and I hate the thought finally been erased 銆€銆€鎴戞啂鎭ㄦ€濆康缁堝皢娑堝け 銆€銆€baby that's the best of me瀹濊礉鍎?閭e鎴戞槸鏈€濂界殑缁撴灉 銆€銆€Everything's behind you 銆€銆€浠讳綍涓滆タ浣犻兘鎷ユ湁 銆€銆€but the whole place I sit besides you 銆€銆€浣嗕綘韬竟鐨勪綅缃竴瀹氳璁╂垜鐙韩 銆€銆€living in every moment 銆€銆€鍦ㄤ綘鐢熷懡鐨勬瘡鏃舵瘡鍒?/p> 銆€銆€have I wasted all your time鎴戞槸鍚︽氮璐逛簡浣犵殑鏃堕棿鍛?/p> 銆€銆€Was there something that I said 銆€銆€鎴戜互鍓嶆槸鍚﹁浜嗙殑浠€涔? 銆€銆€was there something that I did 銆€銆€鎴戜互鍓嶆槸鍚﹀仛浜嗙殑浠€涔? 銆€銆€or the combination I broke that did me have鍙堟垨鑰呮垜鎵撶牬浜嗘煇浜涜仈绯? 銆€銆€You know I'm hoping you sing alone 銆€銆€浣犵煡閬?鎴戝苟涓嶅笇鏈涗綘鐙嚜姝屽敱 銆€銆€though it's not your favorite song 銆€銆€灏界閭e苟涓嶆槸浣犳渶鍠滄鐨勬瓕鏇?/p> 銆€銆€don't wanna be the wind just nothing left to say 銆€銆€鎴戜笉甯屾湜浣犻蹇戒笉瀹氬彧鏄洜涓轰綘娌℃湁鐣欑粰鎴戜换浣曡█璇?/p> 銆€銆€you know that someone those spin again 銆€銆€浣犺鐭ラ亾,褰撲綘闇€瑕佷竴涓湅鍙嬫椂 銆€銆€when you do you need a friend 銆€銆€鏈変汉涓轰綘濂旇蛋蹇欑 銆€銆€don't wanna be the wind just nothing left for me 銆€銆€鎴戜笉甯屾湜浣犻蹇戒笉瀹氬彧鏄洜涓轰綘娌℃湁鐣欑粰鎴戜换浣曚笢瑗?/p> 銆€銆€and I hate the thought finally been erased 銆€銆€鎴戞啂鎭ㄦ€濆康缁堝皢娑堝け 銆€銆€baby that's the best of me 銆€銆€瀹濊礉鍎?閭e鎴戞槸鏈€濂界殑缁撴灉 銆€銆€baby that's the best of me瀹濊礉鍎?閭e鎴戞槸鏈€濂界殑缁撴灉 銆€銆€You know I'm hoping you sing alone 銆€銆€浣犵煡閬?鎴戝苟涓嶅笇鏈涗綘鐙嚜姝屽敱 銆€銆€though it's not your favorite song 銆€銆€灏界閭e苟涓嶆槸浣犳渶鍠滄鐨勬瓕鏇?/p> 銆€銆€don't wanna be the wind just nothing left to say 銆€銆€鎴戜笉甯屾湜浣犻蹇戒笉瀹氬彧鏄洜涓轰綘娌℃湁鐣欑粰鎴戜换浣曡█璇?/p> 銆€銆€you know that someone those spin again 銆€銆€浣犺鐭ラ亾,褰撲綘闇€瑕佷竴涓湅鍙嬫椂 銆€銆€when you do you need a friend 銆€銆€鏈変汉涓轰綘濂旇蛋蹇欑 銆€銆€don't wanna be the wind just nothing left for me 銆€銆€鎴戜笉甯屾湜浣犻蹇戒笉瀹氬彧鏄洜涓轰綘娌℃湁鐣欑粰鎴戜换浣曚笢瑗?/p> 銆€銆€and I hate the thought finally been erased 銆€銆€鎴戞啂鎭ㄦ€濆康缁堝皢娑堝け 銆€銆€baby that's the best of me瀹濊礉鍎?閭e鎴戞槸鏈€濂界殑缁撴灉 銆€銆€2005骞达紝Daniel Powter甯︾潃浠栫殑鍐犲啗姝屾洸Bad Day濡傞椋庤埇甯嵎浜嗘缇庡悇澶ф帓琛屾銆備粖骞?4宀佺殑Daniel Powter鍙皳鏄?5骞寸(涓€鍓戠殑鍧氬繊鍏歌寖銆傝嚜骞奸叿鐖遍煶涔愮殑浠栵紝瀵屾湁鎵嶆儏鍗村湪闊充箰鐢熸动涓婂澶勭澹侊紝鐩村埌32宀佹墠鍜屽敱鐗囧叕鍙哥绾︺€?/p> 銆€銆€Daniel Powter鍑虹敓浜庡姞鎷垮ぇ涓嶅垪棰犲摜浼︽瘮浜氱渷鐨勫皬鍩嶸ernon銆傚彈閭€鍙傚姞杩嘗ive 8(鏌忔灄鍒嗗満)澶у瀷婕斿敱浼氥€?004骞达紝鍗曟洸Bad Day棣栨鏇濆厜浜庢硶鍥界殑涓€鏉″彲鍙e彲涔愮殑瀹d紶骞垮憡锛屼箣鍚庣珛鍗冲紩璧疯桨鍔ㄣ€侱aniel鐨勫悓鍚嶅濂充笓杈戠敱浠栦笌鍒朵綔浜篗itchell Froom鍜孞eff Dawson鍏卞悓瀹屾垚銆備笓杈戜腑鍖呮嫭10棣栨洸鐩紝棣栭绮捐嚧鍔ㄥ惉銆備富鎵撳崟鏇睟ad Day鏄竴棣栬垝蹇冪殑娴佽浣滃搧锛岀畝绾︾殑閽㈢惔浼村缂撶紦椋樺叆鑰抽檯锛孌aniel娓呮柊楂樹孩鐨勬瓕澹颁笉鏃剁┛鎻掔潃鍋囧0杞崲锛屾樉寰楀叿鏈夊姏搴﹁€屽張涓嶅け娴佺晠鎰熴€?/p> 銆€銆€闄や簡娴佽鐨凱op鍏冪礌澶栵紝Daniel杩樺皾璇曞皢Funk銆丼oul銆丷ock宸у鍦拌瀺涓轰竴鐐夛紝鎵撻€犳柊椴滆€屽瘜鏈夋劅鏌撳姏鐨勬柊澹伴煶銆?/p> 銆€銆€(iciba.com) |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Sun DongYang |