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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2012-11-29 14:18:45

    銆€銆€杩欐槸Belinda Tang鍦?010骞寸敵璇锋柉鍧︾澶у鏃跺啓鐨勪竴绡囪杩版枃銆傛瘡浣嶆柉鍧︾鐨勭敵璇蜂汉閮藉繀椤讳互璁鸿堪鏂囩殑褰㈠紡鍥炵瓟鏁颁釜鐢宠闂锛屽叾涓竴涓紑鏀惧紡鐨勯棶棰樺氨鏄?ldquo;浣犱负浠€涔堥€夋嫨鏂潶绂忥紵”(Why Stanford?)銆侭elinda鐜板湪宸叉槸鏂潶绂忓ぇ瀛︿簩骞寸骇鐨勫鐢燂紝鎴戜滑鏉ョ湅鐪嬪綋鏃跺ス鐨勭簿褰╁洖绛斿惂锛?/p>

    銆€銆€By Belinda Tang


    銆€銆€Many ideas that came out of Silicon Valley now define society—the personal computer, the search engine that has democratized knowledge, and, in Stanford’s own Industrial Park, the once tiny company, HP, that is now the world’s largest technology corporation.[1] Last year, I, too, got into the game, creating a patent for live services delivered through a cell-phone. Though I was not familiar with the science behind phones, I provided insight toward the user’s ability to interact with the handset.[2]

    銆€銆€By merging knowledge of the technical aspects of phones with a humanities-based analysis of its usage, an IKain research engineer and I together created a successful patent.[3] Though this patent will not be as earth shaking as Google’s search engine, it shares a common theme with other Silicon Valley innovations: the interaction of technology, humanities, and information.[4]

    銆€銆€Stanford is a place where miracles take place every day—in the student dorms, in the underground labs, and in the garages of rented houses.[5] All these miracles, all these super creativity, are not just happening because of the smart collection of people Stanford has assembled[6]. It is also its unique culture that Stanford has fostered[7] . Specially, Stanford has an open attitude toward knowledge interaction and integration[8] in the broadest sense. When discipline boundaries are obliterated, when knowledge from many disciplines freely intermingle, miracle happens.[9]

    銆€銆€I want to go to Stanford for just this reason: Stanford is a university that uniquely integrates liberal arts[10] with science and technology advances. Stanford is not only a place where students go just to get a good liberal arts education. It is also a place where liberal arts interface with the revolution of cutting-edge technology.[11] Public policies have been studied by many, each in its finest detail, but they pertain to the old society when yesterday’s technologies reign.[12] As society enters the Information Age and the Post-genomic age[13] , we need new policies, new legislatures, new humanity-oriented social structures and order.

    銆€銆€These major changes of tremendous humanity concerns will not arrive by themselves. But rather, it will require leading thinkers of our era, fully equipped with the cutting-edge knowledge on science and technology, plowing hard at this volatile, virgin territory.[14] It is toward this end that I have prepared myself. Not just practicing writing essays, participating in debate tournaments, but also I have taken Advanced Placement Tests in Calculus, Statistics, Physics, and Chemistry.[15] I am a student with broad interests, and a deep thirst for every kind of knowledge human kind has produced.

    銆€銆€I could envision myself, a liberal art major, someday, lying back on the green Stanford lawn, discussing freely with friends of science and technology majors, about the possible ramification of a new piece of biotechnology on society, which I have just heard from the Stanford Genome Center Symposium from a Nobel Laureate.[16]









    銆€銆€1. democratize:浣?hellip;…姘戜富鍖栵紱corporation:鍏徃銆?/p>

    銆€銆€2. science:鎶€鏈紝鎶€宸э紱insight:娣卞埢瑙佽В锛岃璇嗭紱interact with:浜掑姩锛涚浉浜掑奖鍝嶏紱handset: (鍚瓛鍜岃瘽绛掕鍦ㄥ悓涓€鎵嬫焺涓婄殑)鐢佃瘽鍚瓛锛屾墜鏈恒€?/p>

    銆€銆€3. merge:浣胯瀺鍚堬紱IKain:鐖变緝(鍙堣瘧“鐖辨伋”)锛屾槸“鍥介檯鐭ヨ瘑涓庝俊鎭綉缁?rdquo;(International Knowledge and Information Network)鐨勭畝绉般€傜埍渚冨叕鍙稿垱寤哄苟缁存姢涓€涓紑鏀剧殑缃戜笂鐪熶汉浜掑姩绀惧尯锛屼簬2008骞村湪缇庡浗鍔犲窞娉ㄥ唽鎴愮珛锛屾€婚儴浣嶄簬缇庡浗纭呰胺銆?/p>

    銆€銆€4. earth shaking:鎯婂ぉ鍔ㄥ湴鐨勶紝褰卞搷娣辫繙鐨勶紱innovation:闈╂柊锛屽垱鏂般€?/p>

    銆€銆€5. miracle:濂囪抗锛屼笉鍙€濊鐨勪簨锛沝orm: 銆堝彛銆?dormitory锛?澶у鐨?瀹胯垗锛屽瘽瀹ゃ€?/p>

    銆€銆€6. assemble:鑱氶泦锛屽彫闆嗐€?/p>

    銆€銆€7. foster:鍩瑰吇锛屽姪闀匡紝淇冩垚銆?/p>

    銆€銆€8. integration:鏁村悎锛岀粨鍚堛€?/p>

    銆€銆€9. obliterate:浣挎秷闄わ紱intermingle:浣挎贩鍚堬紝娣峰湪涓€璧枫€?/p>

    銆€銆€10. liberal arts:浜烘枃瀛︾锛屽鏂囧銆佽瑷€銆佸巻鍙层€佸摬瀛︾瓑锛屾湁鍒簬鎶€鏈強鑱屼笟瀛︾銆?/p>

    銆€銆€11. interface:浣夸簰鐩镐綔鐢?鎴栧奖鍝嶃€佽仈绯?锛屼娇浜掔浉閰嶅悎锛沜utting-edge:鏈€鍓嶇鐨勶紝鏈€鍓嶆部鐨勩€?/p>

    銆€銆€12. pertain to:绗﹀悎锛岄€傚悎锛況eign:涓诲锛岃捣鏀厤浣滅敤銆?/p>

    銆€銆€13. Post-genomic age:鍚庡熀鍥犵粍鏃朵唬銆?990骞达紝缇庡浗姝e紡鍚姩璺ㄤ笘绾殑“浜虹被鍩哄洜缁勮鍒?rdquo;锛岃嫳鍥姐€佹棩鏈€佹硶鍥姐€佸痉鍥藉拰涓浗鐨勭瀛﹀浠厛鍚庡姞鐩熷悎浣滐紝2000骞?鏈堬紝浜虹被鍩哄洜缁勮崏鍥剧粯鍒跺畬鎴愶紝浠庤繖涓€鏃跺埢璧凤紝浜虹被鐪熸璁よ瘑浜嗚嚜宸憋紝杩欐爣蹇楃潃鐢熷懡绉戝鐨勫彂灞曟寮忚繘鍏ヤ簡鍒掓椂浠g殑鍚庡熀鍥犵粍鏃朵唬銆?/p>

    銆€銆€14. plow:鑰曞湴锛岃€曡€橈紱volatile:鍙樺寲鏃犲父鐨勶紝澶氬彉鐨勶紱virgin territory: (鏈紑鍨︾殑)澶勫コ鍦帮紝鍠绘寚“鏈秹鍙婅繃鐨勯鍩?rdquo;銆?/p>

    銆€銆€15. tournament:姣旇禌锛岃仈璧涳紱Advanced Placement Test:澶у瀛﹀垎鍏堜慨璇剧▼鑰冭瘯锛屾秹鍙婁紬澶氱鐩紝璇ラ」鑰冭瘯瀵瑰鐢熺敵璇峰ぇ瀛︽湁寰堝ぇ鐨勬寚瀵兼剰涔夛紝濡傛灉鍦ㄦ煇绉戠洰涓婅兘鎷垮埌楂樺垎锛屽彲鐩存帴閫変慨澶у涓绉戠洰闅惧害鏇撮珮鐨勮绋嬶紱calculus:寰Н鍒嗐€?/p>

    銆€銆€16. envision:鎯冲儚锛屽睍鏈涳紱ramification:娲剧敓褰卞搷锛屽悗鏋滐紱biotechnology:鐢熺墿宸ヨ壓瀛︼紝鐢熺墿鎶€鏈紝鎶婄敓鐗╃瀛﹀簲鐢ㄤ簬鎶€鏈垨宸ヤ笟锛泂ymposium:璁ㄨ浼氾紝涓撻鐮旇浼氾紱laureate: (鍥犲湪鏌愰鍩熸湁鏉板嚭鎴愬氨鑰?鑾峰鑰呫€?/p>

    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Sun DongYang