鑻卞浗涓€涓璇磋皫涓嶅彈缃?绉伴敾鐐间氦娴佽兘鍔? | |
2012-11-29 14:20:33
銆€銆€鑻卞浗鍓戞ˉ鐨勭弨鏂腑瀛﹀鐢熺姱閿欏悗涓嶄細绔嬪嵆鍙楀埌鎯╃綒锛岃€屾槸寰楀埌鍗佺鐨勮嚜鎴戝紑鑴辨椂闂达紝濡傛灉鑳藉湪鍗佺鍐呯敤宸у鐨勮█杈炰负鑷繁鐘敊鎵惧埌鍊熷彛锛屼究鍙厤鍙楁儵缃氥€傝鏍℃牎闀跨О锛屼笉浼氬厑璁稿鐢熻皫璇濊繛绡囷紝浣嗘棤浼ゅぇ闆呯殑鍠勬剰璋庤█鏄彲浠ユ帴鍙楃殑銆備粬琛ㄧず锛屽湪寰堢煭鐨勬椂闂村唴鐢ㄨ█璇鑷繁鎽嗚劚鍥板鏄汉鐢熶腑寰堥噸瑕佺殑涓€璇撅紝鍙互閿荤偧瀛︾敓鐨勪氦娴佽兘鍔涖€傝繖浣嶆牎闀垮湪涓€娆¢噰璁夸腑琛ㄧず锛屼綔涓烘牎闀匡紝浠栧笇鏈涢€氳繃鍗佺閽熻嚜鎴戝紑鑴辩殑鏂瑰紡鍩瑰吇鎬濈淮鏁忔嵎銆佽兘瑷€鍠勮京鐨勪笅涓€浠c€傛湁浜烘姉璁О鏍¢暱姝や妇鎰忓湪鎶婂鐢熷煿鍏绘垚璇磋皫鎴愭€х殑鏀垮锛屼笉杩囦竴浣嶈京璁轰笓瀹跺嵈瀵规绉拌禐鏈夊姞銆?/p> ![]() ![]() 銆€銆€Students at the Perse School in Cambridge, England, can avoid punishment for minor offenses, provided they can come up with quick, clever excuses for their transgressions within 10 seconds. 銆€銆€Telling a lie can get you on Santa's naughty list, but it could get you on the Dean's list at one British school. 銆€銆€Students at the Perse School in Cambridge, England, can avoid punishment for minor offenses, provided they can come up with quick, clever excuses for their transgressions within 10 seconds. 銆€銆€Headmaster Ed Elliott won't allow complete B.S., but "white lies" may be acceptable. 銆€銆€"It's a great lesson in life to talk your way out of a tight corner in a very short period of time," Elliot told the BBC. 銆€銆€Rewarding a child for lying may seem counter-intuitive, but Elliot believes he's fostering important communication skills. 銆€銆€“As head I like to play my part in creating a quick-thinking, communication ‘savvy’ generation, by giving students who have committed a minor offense 10 seconds to talk their way out of a punishment," he told the Cambridge News. "Many rise admirably to the challenge, and in so doing develop the charm and eloquence needed in the next generation of British entrepreneurs and wealth creators.” 銆€銆€The school's alum includes luminaries such as Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour, but Elliott suggests his "lie-dea" may give current students the right verbal skills to succeed in the world, according to the Telegraph. 銆€銆€Some wags have protested that Elliott is merely training students to be politicians, Geobeats.com reported, but rhetoric expert Sam Leith thinks it's a brilliant idea -- no lie. 銆€銆€"You can see this being a really important life skill and actually politicians, some of them, are the absolute straight arrow, but often the ones who get further are the artful dodgers," Leith told the BBC. |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Sun DongYang |