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棰勫憡鐗囬櫡闃?trailer fraud
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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2012-11-28 15:40:02

    銆€銆€宀佹湯骞村垵鐨勮春宀佹。寰€寰€鏄悇澶х數褰卞埗浣滄柟浜夋姠鐨勯粍閲戞椂娈点€備负浜嗗湪璐哄瞾妗e埌鏉ヤ箣鍓嶅崰寰楀厛鏈猴紝棰勫憡鐗囥€佹捣鎶ョ瓑瀹d紶鎵嬫灏辨垚浜嗙墖鏂圭殑娉曞疂銆傝鐭ラ亾寰堝瑙備紬灏辨槸琚編杞編濂傜殑棰勫憡鐗囧惛寮曪紝鎵嶅幓褰遍櫌瑙傚奖鐨勩€傚彲鏄疄闄呰褰辩殑鏁堟灉鐪熺殑鏈夐偅涔堝ソ鍚楋紵閭e氨涓嶄竴瀹氫簡銆傝涓嶆€庝箞浼氬嚭鐜皌railer fraud杩欎釜璇嶅憿銆?/p>

    銆€銆€When a trailer misrepresents the movie it advertises, when you view the actual movie, you see the trailer has nothing to do with the narrative, characters or plot. You are a victim of trailer fraud.


    銆€銆€When a trailer to a movie shows something different than the movie is actually about, or when a trailer just shows the best parts of the movie, and when you see it, it’s a let down. Then this is called trailer fraud.


    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Sun DongYang