钁楀悕鍥介檯鍝佺墝骞垮憡璇? | |
2012-10-12 11:11:06
銆€銆€Advertising Slogans of International Brands钁楀悕鍥介檯鍝佺墝骞垮憡璇?/p> 銆€銆€1. Good to the last drop. 銆€銆€婊存淮棣欐祿锛屾剰鐘规湭灏姐€?楹︽柉濞佸皵鍜栧暋) 銆€銆€2. Obey your thirst. 銆€銆€鏈嶄粠浣犵殑娓存湜銆?闆ⅶ) 銆€銆€3. The new digital era. 銆€銆€鏁扮爜鏂版椂浠c€?绱㈠凹褰辩鏈? 銆€銆€4. We lead.Others copy. 銆€銆€鎴戜滑棰嗗厛锛屼粬浜轰豢鏁堛€?鐞嗗厜澶嶅嵃鏈? 銆€銆€5. Impossible made possible. 銆€銆€浣夸笉鍙兘鍙樹负鍙兘銆?浣宠兘鎵撳嵃鏈? 銆€銆€6. Take time to indulge. 銆€銆€灏芥儏浜彈鍚э紒(闆€宸㈠啺婵€鍑? 銆€銆€7. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 銆€銆€涓嶆噲杩芥眰瀹岀編銆?(鍑屽織杞胯溅) 銆€銆€8. Poetry in motion锛宒ancing close to me. 銆€銆€鍔ㄦ€佺殑璇楋紝鍚戞垜鑸炶繎銆?涓扮敯姹借溅) 銆€銆€9. Come to where the flavor is.Marlboro Country. 銆€銆€鍏変复椋庨煹涔嬪鈹€鈹€涓囧疂璺笘鐣屻€?涓囧疂璺鐑? 銆€銆€10.To me锛宼he past is black and white锛宐ut the future is always color. 銆€銆€瀵规垜鑰岃█锛岃繃鍘诲钩娣℃棤濂囷紱鑰屾湭鏉ワ紝鍗存槸缁氱儌缂ょ悍銆?杞╁凹璇楅厭) 銆€銆€11. Just do it. 銆€銆€鍙鍘诲仛銆?鑰愬厠杩愬姩闉? 銆€銆€12. Ask for more. 銆€銆€娓存湜鏃犻檺銆?鐧句簨娴佽闉? 銆€銆€13. The taste is great. 銆€銆€鍛抽亾濂芥瀬浜嗐€?闆€宸㈠挅鍟? 銆€銆€14. Feel the new space. 銆€銆€鎰熷彈鏂板鐣屻€?涓夋槦鐢靛瓙) 銆€銆€15. Intelligence everywhere. 銆€銆€鏅烘収婕旂粠锛屾棤澶勪笉鍦ㄣ€?鎽╂墭缃楁媺鎵嬫満) 銆€銆€16. The choice of a new generation. 銆€銆€鏂颁竴浠g殑閫夋嫨銆?鐧句簨鍙箰) 銆€銆€17. We integrate, you communicate. 銆€銆€鎴戜滑闆嗗ぇ鎴愶紝鎮ㄨ秴瓒婅嚜鎴戙€?涓夎彵鐢靛伐) 銆€銆€18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 銆€銆€鎷ユ湁涓滆姖锛屾嫢鏈変笘鐣屻€?涓滆姖鐢靛瓙) 銆€銆€19. Let’s make things better. 銆€銆€璁╂垜浠仛寰楁洿濂姐€?椋炲埄娴︾數瀛? 銆€銆€20. No business too small, no problem too big. 銆€銆€娌℃湁涓嶅仛鐨勫皬鐢熸剰锛屾病鏈夎В鍐充笉浜嗙殑澶ч棶棰樸€?(IBM鍏徃) 銆€銆€(qinghuaonline.com)
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? CRI 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Sun DongYang |