鑻辫涓撲笟鍏骇鑻辫瘧姹夌粌涔? | |
2012-10-12 11:09:34
銆€銆€Loneliness is most acutely felt with other people, for with others,even with a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences of taste, temperament,mood. Human intercourse often demands that we soften the edge of perception, or withdraw at the very instant of personal truth for fear of hurting, or of being inappropriately present, which is to say naked, in a social situation. 銆€銆€璇戞枃: 銆€銆€涓庡埆浜哄憜鍦ㄤ竴璧锋椂瀛ょ嫭鎰熸洿涓哄己鐑?鍥犱负涓庝粬浜哄湪涓€璧?鍗充娇鏄亱浜?鎴戜滑涔熶細琚笉鍚岀殑鍝佸懗,涓嶅悓鐨勬€ф牸,浠ュ強涓嶅悓鐨勬儏缁墍鍥版壈銆備汉闄呬氦寰€瑕佹眰鎴戜滑蹇呴』纾ㄦ帀鎰熺煡鐨勬1瑙?鍦ㄦ瘡姣忔秹鍙婁釜浜虹浜嬫椂,鎴戜滑鍥犱负鎬曚激瀹冲埆浜鸿€岄伩鑰屼笉璋?鎴栬€呭鎬曞湪绀句氦鍦哄悎涓嶅悎鏃跺疁,姣斿琚掕兏闇茶吂銆?/p> 銆€銆€I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out. 銆€銆€Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty, and I wonder where my self is hiding. It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants, perhaps, and looking again at each one as though it were a person, by feeding the two cats, by cooking a meal. 銆€銆€璇戞枃: 銆€銆€鍙湁鍦ㄦ垜杩囧害鍔崇疮鐨勬椂鍊?鍦ㄦ垜闀挎椂闂翠笉闂存柇鍦板伐浣滅殑鏃朵警,鑰冭瘯澶у湪鎴戞劅鍒板唴蹇冪┖铏?闇€瑕佸厖瀹炵殑鏃跺€?鎴戞墠浼氭劅鍒板瘋瀵炪€傛湁鏃?澶栧嚭婕旇鍥炴潵,瑙佷簡璁稿浜?璁蹭簡璁稿璇?蹇冧腑婊℃槸绾蜂贡鐨勪綋楠岄渶瑕佹暣鐞?鍋惰€屼篃浼氳寰楀鐙€?/p> 銆€銆€浜庢槸鏈夐偅涔堜竴浼氬効,鎴戜細鎰熷埌鏁翠釜鎴垮瓙闈炲父澶?绌鸿崱鑽$殑銆備笉鐭ユ鏃剁殑鑷垜鍙堣棌鍖夸簬浣曞銆傝繖鏃?鎴戜細缁欒姳鑽夋祰娴囨按,鎸ㄤ釜鐬呯瀰,浠夸經瀹冧滑鏄椿鐢熺敓鐨勪汉涓€鏍?鎴栨槸鍠傚杺涓ゅ彧灏忕尗,浜叉墜鍋氶】楗彍,杩欐牱鑷垜灏辨參鎱㈠湴閲嶆柊鎵惧洖銆?/p> 銆€銆€(ebigear.com)
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? CRI 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Sun DongYang |