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鈥滅┖姘斿悏浠栤€濊〃婕?Playing air guitar
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    銆€銆€Playing air guitar: “绌烘皵鍚変粬”琛ㄦ紨

    銆€銆€Playing air guitar is a form of dance and movement in which the performer pretends to play rock or heavy metal-style electric guitar, including riffs, solos, etc. Playing an air guitar usually consists of exaggerated strumming and picking motions and is often coupled with loud singing or lip-synching.


    銆€銆€Organized air guitar competitions are regularly held in many countries. The first on-off air guitar competitions were organized in the early 1980s in Sweden and in the United States. Since 1996 the annual Air Guitar World Championships have been a part of the Oulu Music Video Festival in Oulu, Finland.

    銆€銆€寰堝鍥藉閮戒細瀹氭湡缁勭粐涓惧姙绌烘皵鍚変粬姣旇禌銆傜涓€涓┖姘斿悏浠栧ぇ璧涗簬浜屽崄涓栫邯鍏崄骞翠唬鍒濇湡鍦ㄧ憺鍏稿拰缇庡浗涓惧姙銆傝嚜1996骞磋捣锛屼笘鐣岀┖姘斿悏浠栭敠鏍囪禌寮€濮嬫垚涓鸿姮鍏板ゥ鍗㈤煶涔愬奖鍍忚妭鐨勪竴涓儴鍒嗐€?span style="display: none">

    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? xinhua 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Sun DongYang