鍙岃锛氬叏鐞冮珮鏍″悕姘旀鍑虹倝 浜氭床澶у澹拌獕涓婂崌 | |
2012-03-22 09:46:56
![]() File Photo of Harvard University. This list is an attempt to quantify the elusive but important quality of "reputation" in higher education. Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are top of a global league table of university reputation - in a top 100 dominated by US institutions. Cambridge and Oxford make the top 10 - but other UK universities have slipped, while Asian institutions have risen. The rankings are based on the perceptions of 17,000 academics. This list is an attempt to quantify the elusive but important quality of "reputation" in higher education - with its findings based on the opinions of academics around the world. The first such ranking by the Times Higher Education magazine, published last year, had the same top five as this year - with the two Boston-based institutions, Harvard and MIT, in first and second place. Cambridge was once again the highest ranking UK university in third place, followed by Stanford and University of California, Berkeley. But Phil Baty, editor of the Times Higher Education rankings, says there is an underlying picture of UK universities heading downwards - with fewer in the top 100 and a decline for others including Imperial College London and University College London. "Our global reputation as the home of outstanding universities has been hit," he said. Reflecting the rise of Asian countries as the new education superpowers, there is an increasing presence for countries such as China, Japan, Singapore and South Korea. Switzerland is also seen as performing well, relative to its population, with three universities in the top 100. Such rankings do not have an official status, but they have become an increasingly significant part of how universities market themselves to students, particularly as higher education has become more globalised. This latest league table reinforces the emergence of "global superbrands", headed by institutions such as Stanford on the US West Coast and Harvard on the East Coast, and Oxford and Cambridge in the UK. 鑻卞浗娉版櫎澹珮绛夋暀鑲茬壒鍒婅繎鏃ュ叕甯冩渶鏂板叏鐞冨ぇ瀛﹀悕姘旀锛屽搱浣涘ぇ瀛︿笌楹荤渷鐞嗗伐瀛﹂櫌楂樿笧鍓嶄袱鍚嶏紝缇庡浗澶у鍦ㄤ笂姒滅殑鐧炬墍澶у涓紭鍔挎槑鏄俱€?/p> 鍓戞ˉ澶у鍜岀墰娲ュぇ瀛﹁坊韬墠鍗侊紝浣嗗叾浠栫殑鑻卞浗楂樻牎鎺掑悕涓嬮檷锛屼簹娲插ぇ瀛︾殑澹拌獕鎺掑悕鍛堜笂鍗囪秼鍔裤€?/p> 璇ユ帓琛屾寰佹眰浜?.7涓囧悕瀛﹁€呯殑鎰忚涓庣湅娉曘€?/p> 璇ユ帓琛屾璇曞浘鏍规嵁鍏ㄧ悆鍙楄瀛﹁€呯殑鎰忚锛屽闅句互琛¢噺浣嗗緢閲嶈鐨勯珮鏍?ldquo;澹拌獕”璐ㄩ噺杩涜閲忓寲銆?/p> 鑻卞浗娉版櫎澹珮绛夋暀鑲茬壒鍒婁簬鍘诲勾寮€濮嬪彂甯冿紝鍓嶄簲鍚嶉珮鏍′笌浠婂勾鐩稿悓锛屼袱鎵€浣嶄簬娉㈠+椤跨殑鍚嶆牎銆佸搱浣涘ぇ瀛﹀拰楹荤渷鐞嗗伐瀛﹂櫌涔熶綅浜庡墠涓や綅銆?/p> 鍓戞ˉ澶у鎺掑悕绗笁锛屼粛鐒舵槸鎺掑悕鏈€楂樼殑鑻卞浗楂樻牎锛屼綅灞呭叾鍚庣殑鏄柉鍧︾澶у鍜屽姞宸炲ぇ瀛︿集鍏嬪埄鍒嗘牎銆?/p> 浣嗚鎺掕姒滅殑缂栬緫璐瑰皵•宸磋开璇达紝鍙互鐪嬪嚭锛岃嫳鍥介珮鏍$殑鎺掑悕灏嗕細涓嬫粦锛屾帓鍚嶅墠涓€鐧句綅鐨勮嫳鍥介珮鏍″噺灏戜簡锛屽叾浠栧鎵€鑻卞浗楂樻牎鎺掑悕涔熷湪涓嬮檷锛屽寘鎷笣鍥界悊宸ュ闄㈠拰鑻卞浗浼︽暒澶у瀛﹂櫌銆?/p> 浠栬锛?ldquo;鎴戜滑浣滀负鍏ㄧ悆鐭ュ悕澶у鑱氶泦鍦扮殑澹拌獕閬埌閲嶅垱銆?rdquo; 鏉ヨ嚜涓浗銆佹棩鏈€佹柊鍔犲潯鍜岄煩鍥界殑鍏ュ洿楂樻牎澧炲锛岃繖涔熷弽鏄犲嚭浜氭床鍥藉浣滀负鏂扮殑鏁欒偛寮哄浗鐨勫礇璧枫€?/p> 鐟炲+琛ㄧ幇涔熶笉淇楋紝鐩稿浜庤緝灏戠殑浜哄彛鏉ヨ锛屾湁涓夋墍澶у涓婃宸茬粡鐩稿綋涓嶆槗銆?/p> 杩欎竴鎺掑悕娌℃湁寰楀埌瀹樻柟璁ゅ彲锛屼絾鍦ㄥぇ瀛﹀浣曟妸鑷繁鎺ㄩ攢缁欏鐢熺殑杩囩▼涓捣鐫€瓒婃潵瓒婇噸瑕佺殑浣滅敤锛岀壒鍒槸鍦ㄩ珮绛夋暀鑲插叏鐞冨寲鐨勪粖澶┿€?/p> 杩欎唤鏈€鏂版帓鍚嶈繘涓€姝ュ嵃璇佷簡“鍏ㄧ悆楂樻牎宸ㄥご”鐨勫嚭鐜帮紝棰嗗ご鐨勫垯鏄編鍥借タ娴峰哺鐨勬柉鍧︾澶у銆佷笢娴峰哺鐨勫搱浣涘ぇ瀛︺€佷互鍙婅嫳鍥界殑鐗涙触鍜屽墤妗ュぇ瀛︺€?/p>
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Yang Xiaoming |