鈥淭褰㈠彴鈥濊嫳璇?/td> | |
2012-02-05 10:38:00
鏇炬湁浜烘妸缇庡浗鐨勫晢鍔¢儴缈昏瘧鎴?Department of Business Affairs锛岃€?!--keyword-->鑻辫涓編鍥藉晢鍔¢儴鐨勮娉曞簲璇ユ槸Department of Commerce銆備负浠€涔堜細鍑虹幇杩欐牱鐨勯棶棰橈紵鍘熷洜鏄眽璇腑缇庡浗鈥滃晢鍔¢儴鈥濈殑璇存硶鏄敱鑻辫Department of Commerce 缈昏瘧鑰屾潵锛屾垜浠湪灏嗗叾缈昏瘧鍥炶嫳璇椂锛岀悊鎵€褰撶劧搴旇繕鍏舵湰鏉ラ潰鐩紝杩欐牱鑻辫姣嶈浜哄+鎵嶄細鏄庣櫧璇戣€呯殑鎵€鎸囥€傛绉嶇幇璞¤绉颁綔鈥滃洖璇戔€濄€傚洖璇戠幇璞′笉浠呭嚭鐜板湪姹夎瘧鑻卞綋涓紝鍦ㄨ嫳璇戞眽涓篃鍚屾牱瀛樺湪銆備緥濡傦紝姹夎涓€滃浗鏈変紒涓氣€濇垨鈥滃浗浼佲€濈殑鑻辫瘧鏂囨槸state-owned enterprise锛岃繖涓€缈昏瘧宸茶骞挎硾鎺ュ彈锛屽凡鎴愪负鑻辫涓害瀹氫織鎴愮殑璇存硶銆傚洜姝わ紝鎴戜滑鍦ㄨ嫳璇戞眽鏃讹紝涔熷繀椤绘妸state-owned enterprise 缈昏瘧鎴愨€滃浗鏈変紒涓氣€濇垨鈥滃浗浼佲€濄€傞亾鐞嗕技涔庡緢瀹规槗鐞嗚В锛屼絾鍦ㄧ炕璇戝疄璺典腑锛屽簲璇ュ洖璇戣€屾病鏈夊洖缈昏瘧鐨勯棶棰樹刊鎷剧殕鏄€備緥濡傦紝鏈夋妸鈥滄瘮鍩哄凹鈥濓紙bikini锛夌炕璇戞垚three-point bathing suit鐨勶紱涔熸湁鎶娾€滆埅绌烘腐鈥濓紙airport锛夌炕璇戜负air harbor鐨勶紱鏇存湁鐢氳€咃紝鏈変汉鎶婃埓涔冭凯 (Glady Yang) 鐨勮嫳鏂囧悕瀛楀啓鎴怐ainaidie锛屾妸钁楀悕鐨勪縿缃楁柉浣滄洸瀹舵煷鍙か鏂熀锛圱chaikovsky锛夌殑鍚嶅瓧鍙樻垚浜咰haikefusiji锛屽疄鍦ㄤ护浜哄暭绗戠殕闈炪€?/span> 鏈変簺璇嶈鍦ㄦ眽鑻变袱绉嶆枃瀛椾腑鍚屾椂瀛樺湪锛岃澶氭眽璇腑鐨勮娉曟潵鑷嫳璇紝鍥犳鍦ㄧ炕璇戞椂涔熸湁涓€滃洖璇戔€濈殑闂锛屾瘮濡傦紝褰撴垜浠鎶娾€滀笘鐣屽ぇ瀛︾敓杩愬姩浼氣€濈炕璇戞垚鑻辫鏃讹紝鎴戜滑灏变笉鑳芥寜瀛楅潰缈昏瘧涓篢he World's University Students' Sports Meet锛岃€屽簲璇ラ噰鐢ㄨ嫳璇腑鍘熸潵鐨勮娉?Universiad (Beijing hosted the 2001 Summer Universiad successfully.)銆?/span> 涓嬮潰鏄鈥淭鍨嬪彴鈥濊嫳璇戠殑璁ㄨ锛屽厛璇风湅鍥藉唴濯掍綋鐨勬湁鍏宠嫳鏂囨姤閬擄細 渚嬩竴锛歋howing off Manly Beauty onT-stage(Shanghai Star September 6, 2004) On Nov 28th in 1999, the PARK97 bar located in Fuxing Park set up theT-Stageand covered the red carpet on it. The foreign and domestic models walked on it, combining the tradition and future; art and fashion at ease. 渚嬩簩锛欰 model descents in the air along a verticalT-stagein a "Fashion Show in the Air" held on the bank of Taiping Lake in Shanghai, east China, Oct. 23, 2004. (Xinhua photo/Dong Hongjing) 渚嬩笁锛歅eople's Daily Online - Fashion Week Turns Into Feast for the Eyes锛欰t the biannual China Fashion Week, the models paraded along theT-stagebrimming with energy, passion and a wild nature, which made them even more sexy and seductive. 浠庝互涓婄殑渚嬪瓙涓彲浠ョ湅鍑猴紝浣滆€呮兂褰撶劧鍦拌涓衡€淭鍨嬪彴鈥濈殑鑻辫璇存硶灏辨槸 T-stage锛岃€屾病鏈夋剰璇嗗埌杩欑璇存硶鏈夊彲鑳芥槸閿欒鐨勩€傛垜浠湪缈昏瘧杩欑被璇嶈鏃讹紝搴旇鍏锋湁涓€绉嶆剰璇嗭細鏃㈢劧涓ょ鏂囧寲涓叡鏈夊悓涓€姒傚康鎴栦簨鐗╋紝閭d箞鍦ㄤ袱绉嶆枃瀛椾腑蹇呯劧浼氬緱鍒颁綋鐜帮紝鑰岃瘧鑰呯殑璐d换灏辨槸瑕佹壘鍒颁袱绉嶆枃瀛椾腑瀵瑰悓涓€姒傚康鎴栦簨鐗╃殑瀵瑰簲璇存硶锛屽湪缈昏瘧鏃跺吇鎴愯繖绉嶆煡璇佺殑涔犳儻闈炲父閲嶈锛屽畠鍙互浣挎垜浠伩鍏嶈澶氫笉璇ュ嚭鐜扮殑閿欒銆備汉浠ぇ閮界煡閬?catwalk 鏄€滆蛋鐚鈥濈殑鎰忔€濓紝骞朵笉鐭ラ亾璇ヨ瘝涔熸湁鈥淭鍨嬪彴鈥濈殑鎰忔€濓紝璇风湅 WordNet Dictionary 瀵?catwalk 鐨勫畾涔夛細 catwalk锛歵he long, narrow stage that models walk along in a fashion show. 鍐嶇湅鍙﹀涓や釜瀹氫箟锛?/span> catwalk: narrow platform; "Models displayed clothes on a catwalk at the fashion show". catwalk: a narrow platform extending from the stage into the audience in a theater or nightclub etc. 瀹為檯涓婏紝catwalk杩樻湁涓€涓剰鎬濇槸鎸囧缓绛戜笂鎮湪楂樼┖鐨勭嫮绐勮繃閬擄紙a narrow path, raised above the ground, often built for workers to walk on outside a building that is being built or repaired锛夛紝杩欏ぇ姒傚氨鏄负浠€涔堢敤 catwalk 鏉ヨ〃绀烘椂瑁呰〃婕旂殑鑸炲彴鐨勭紭鏁呭惂銆?/span> 鏃惰妯$壒琛ㄦ紨鐨勮垶鍙版湁鏃朵篃鏈繀閮芥槸T鍨嬶紝杩樺寘鎷琇鍨嬫垨鐩寸嚎鍨嬶紝闄や簡catwalk鐨勮娉曚箣澶栵紝runaway ( 鏈哄満璺戦亾) 鍜宺amp 锛堥珮閫熷叕璺殑寮曟帴寮忓潯閬擄級涔熷彲浠ユ寚鏃惰妯$壒琛ㄦ紨鐨勮垶鍙般€傝鐪?WordNet Dictionary 瀵?runway 鐨勫畾涔? runway: this is the place where you walk when you're giving a live fashion presentation. It is also referred to as a catwalk or ramp and is always elevated above the crowd. A runway can be shaped like a "T", an "L" or a straight line. 鐭ラ亾浜嗚嫳璇腑鈥淭褰㈠彴鈥濈殑璇存硶锛屽苟涓嶆剰鍛崇潃灏辫兘澶熷緢濂藉湴杩愮敤璇ヨ瘝锛屾垜浠繕蹇呴』浜嗚В瀹冨湪鍙ュ瓙涓殑鐢ㄦ硶銆侀€氬父涓庡摢浜涜瘝姹囨惌閰嶇瓑绛夛紝杩欏氨闇€瑕佹垜浠€氳繃渚嬪彞杩涗竴涓嶅涔犳彁楂樸€傝鐪嬩笅闈㈢殑catwalk鐢ㄦ硶涓句緥锛?/span> 1. Ever wondered how a design gets from the sketchbook to the catwalk? 2. Suzie Ward walked onto the catwalk and won the Young Model of the Year Competition. 3. Full of confidence, the lanky all blond models sway on the catwalk with measured steps one foot straight after the other. 4. The background music stopped and was replaced by an expectant hum, then that too ceased as the curtains parted and a man in a dinner jacket and black bow tie stepped out onto the catwalk. 5. Paraded down the catwalk by a dancer named Micheline Bernardi this new swimsuit designed by Louis R茅ard took the world's breath away. 6. She is slim with blonde hair and looks like a catwalk model. 7. People who don't know anything about it might assume that it simply involves standing in front of a camera or walking down a catwalk. 鍙﹀杩橀渶寮鸿皟锛宑atwalk鍜宺unway闄や簡鍙互浜掓崲浣跨敤澶栵紝杩橀€氬父鏀惧湪涓€璧蜂娇鐢紝渚嬪锛?/span> Experience: Catwalk/Runway Fashion Parades; Photographic (ad campaigns, fashion, photographic showcases/displays, portfolios); ... I am available for work in Print, Sport, Glamour, Catwalk/Runway, Art, Promotional, Stage, TV/Film,... 鏈€鍚庨渶瑕佹寚鍑猴紝姹夎涓殑鈥淭鍨嬪彴鈥濆湪娉涙寚鏃惰琛ㄦ紨鑸炲彴鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍏舵剰涔変笌 Catwalk/Runway 鐩稿悓锛岃€屽鏋滆鐗瑰埆寮鸿皟鑸炲彴涓篢瀛楀瀷鏃讹紝鍒欏彲浠ヨ "T" stage 鎴?T" shaped runway銆傝鐪嬩笅闈㈢殑渚嬪瓙锛?/span> Large "T" shaped runway 36' runway w/ 32' "T" stage "T" shape runwaywith black and white walls and black stripe "T" shape runwaywith 8' and 12' high walls "T" shape runwaywith 8' high backdrop walls The club is on the smaller side but nice and cozy.The stage is in the popular"T" shape with catwalk. 缁撹锛氱炕璇戞椂涓嶈兘澶熸兂褰撶劧锛屽繀椤昏鏈夆€滃洖璇戔€濇剰璇嗐€傛湁浜涗粠鑻辨枃缈昏瘧杩囨潵鐨勪腑鏂囨槸鎰忚瘧鑰屼笉鏄洿璇戠殑锛岄偅涔堝湪灏嗗叾鍥炶瘧鎴愯嫳鏂囨椂锛屽氨涓嶈兘鎸夌収涓枃鐨勫瓧闈㈡剰鎬濆幓杩涜鐩磋瘧锛岃€屽繀椤昏繕鍘熸垚鑻辫鍘熸潵鐨勮娉曘€?/span> |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 涓浗鏃ユ姤缃? 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong |