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  • Zhang Ziyi Wins Public Image Award
  • "Flirting Scholar 2" to Open on July.9th
  • Liu Yifei to Star in Wilson Yip's "Ghost Story"
  • Top 10 mysterious ancient tombs
  • Middle-Aged Harry Potter and Friends
  • Gates of Hell? Great holes on earth
  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2010-06-04 14:25:23


    澧ㄨタ鍝ユ咕鈥滄紡娌逛簨浠垛€濈浉鍏宠瘝姹? src=

    oil spill/leak 婕忔补

    Deepwater Horizon oil rig 娣辨捣鍦板钩绾块捇浜曞钩鍙?/span>

    last-ditch effort 鏈€鍚庣殑鍔姏

    top kill 鐏《娉曪紙閫氳繃娉靛皢澶ч噺楂樺瘑搴︽恫浣撴敞鍏ヨ緭娌圭锛屾姂鍒跺師娌逛笂娑岋紝鍐嶇敤姘存偿灏佹婕忔补鐐广€傦級

    containment valve 闃叉紡闃€

    leak-proof cover 闃叉紡缃?/span>

    criminal probe 鍒戜簨璋冩煡

    civil investigation 姘戜簨璋冩煡

    gusher 鍠锋补浜?/span>

    relief well 鍑忓帇浜?/span>

    bore hole 閽诲瓟

    siphon 铏瑰惛

    leaking pipe 婕忔补绠¢亾

    blowout preventer 灏佷簳鍣?闃插柗鍣?/span>

    water samples 姘存牱

    tar balls 鐒︽补鐞?/span>

    trial-and-error process 璇曢敊杩囩▼/鍙嶅璇曢獙

    undersea robots 娴峰簳鏈哄櫒浜?/span>

    robot submarines 鏈哄櫒浜烘綔姘磋墖

    ultra deep-water area 瓒呮繁姘村尯

    shallow water areas 娴呮按鍖?/span>

    environmental disaster 鐜鐏鹃毦

    global crude prices 鍥介檯鍘熸补浠锋牸

    toxic effects of oil 鐭虫补鐨勬瘨鎬т綔鐢?/span>

    filter feeders 婊ら鍔ㄧ墿

    spill zone 婕忔补鍖?/span>

    dead zone 姝讳骸鍖?/span>

    water break 姘磋啘娈嬭抗

    tanker 娌硅疆

    oil well 娌逛簳

    crude oil 鍘熸补

    diesel oil 鏌存补

    gasoline/petrol 姹芥补

    offshore drilling 娴峰簳閽绘帰

    drilling platform/oil rig 閽讳簳骞冲彴

    deepwater oil exploration 娴锋磱鐭虫补鍕樻帰

    heavy oil 閲嶆补

    light oil 杞绘补

    foamy oil 娉℃搏娌?/span>




    婕忔补 fuel leak

    Oil spill puts fisheries, birds at risk along US gulf coast

    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong