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Faye Wong Returns with Illusions
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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2010-02-14 10:23:47

    Faye Wong rehearses for China Central Television's 2010 Spring Festival Gala on February 11, 2010. [Photo: CFP]

    When former "Queen of Pop" Faye Wong makes her official comeback this Saturday, she will take no companions. With beautiful creatures of nature surrounding her, she will sing alone in a tranquil universe.

    That will be the special stage effect for Wong's performance at the 2010 Spring Festival Gala, which will be aired live on China Central Television Saturday night, the Chinese New Year's Eve.

    Wong, who was absent from previous rehearsals, triggered buzz when she appeared for the final rehearsal.

    Unlike other performers, Wong took the entire stage on her own, singing a tune with a huge LED screen in the background projecting scenes of nature.

    "Blinking stars on the screen [...] transform the studio into a vast universe," a report on said.

    Saturday's performance will be Faye Wong's stage comeback after years of hiatus.

    After the CCTV gala, Wong will launch a national tour. Dates for the shows are yet to be announced.

    Faye Wong's fame was almost unrivaled in her heyday. She is named in the Guinness Book of World Records as the best-selling Canto-pop female of all time.

    In recent years, Wong has been barely seen in the music scene. However, she is still active with her charity work. In 2006, she and her actor husband Li Yapeng founded the Smile Angel Foundation to help children born with cleft palates.

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    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? CRI 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Yang Fan