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Songhua River Rally to Have New Courses
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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2009-12-24 09:21:32

    The Ninth Songhua River Rally Race is set to start on December 31st in Russian city of Komsomolsk and this time their final leg will be held in a newly built racing course in Harbin.

    As one of the most important and spectacular events of the annual Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, the rally is held every year on the frozen Songhua River.

    [Soundbite-Li Yuanlong, Vice President, Heilongjiang Automobile and Motor Sports Association]: Two legs will be held in our own courses. One is located at the Ice and Snow World. The other one is built in the Longyun auto parts factory. It is a good chance for our racers to showcase their skills in front of their people.

    First launched in 2002, the Songhua River Rally Race serves as a platform for racers from China and Russia to compete and exchange views.

    Organizers say this year's event has attracted more than 50 cars with 10 teams to challenge their boldness and skills on the frozen Songhua River.

    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? HLJTV---English News 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong