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Exhibition about the era of the palace coups to open in Russia

//english.dbw.cn  Author:  Source:TV BRICS  Editor:Yang Fan  2024-11-15 14:02:36

Guests of the exhibition will also be able to attend lectures and interactive programmes

The Moscow Kremlin Museums will open an exhibition "The Legacy of Peter the Great and Coups d'Etat in the Russian Empire" on 15 November. The exhibition, which will be deployed in the halls of the Patriarch's Palace and the Assumption Cathedral, presents 260 exhibits from 14 leading museums, archives and libraries of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The exhibition will introduce guests to the palace intrigues and the struggle for the throne, which covered the period from the reign of Catherine I to Paul I. Among the exhibits on display are portraits of the participants of the events, personal belongings, weapons, and historical documents, including the Decree on the Succession to the Throne of 1722, the Will of Empress Catherine I of 1727, and the Act of Succession to the Throne of Paul I.

"The exhibition is the first museum project dedicated to a comprehensive understanding of the era of palace coups in Russian history. We have paid attention not only to the pretenders to the throne, but also to those who remained behind the scenes of these events and, nevertheless, played key roles in their preparation. We have managed to collect and present unique historical monuments and archival documents directly related to the coups and their protagonists," said Elena Gagarina, General Director of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, in an exclusive commentary for TV BRICS.

An extensive educational programme has also been prepared for visitors: lectures, interactive programmes, excursions and a quest. The exhibition will be open from 15 November 2024 to 23 February 2025.

The ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square is Russia's national shrine and a symbol of its statehood. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is part of the world's historical and artistic heritage.

Photo: Exhibition "The Legacy of Peter the Great and Coups d'Etat in the Russian Empire"