China's Ministry of Commerce issued a report on the World Trade Organization (WTO) compliance of the United States for the first time.
The United States has not only selectively implemented WTO rulings, but has also blocked appointments of new Appellate Body members, which led to the "paralysis" of the Appellate Body, the report said.
The United States has a long history of taking unilateral measures against other members under the guise of so-called "national security," "human rights" and "forced technology transfer," and has also coerced others into abiding by its diplomatic policies and illegitimate demands.
In addition, the United States has implemented exclusive and discriminatory subsidy policies, and has disrupted other countries' industrial development through means like export control, the report added.
It has instigated decoupling and fragmenting industrial and supply chains, tried to utilize unilateral tariff measures to force re-shoring of industrial chains, established U.S.-centered industrial and supply chains through massive subsidies, and promoted near-shoring and friend-shoring based on so-called "values."
The United States has taken a series of unscrupulous actions, disrupting the international market order, severely impacting market confidence, and causing serious harm to the world economy. The US has become a saboteur of the multilateral trading system, a manipulator applying double standards in industrial policies, a disruptor of global industrial and supply chains and an expert of unilateralism and bullying.