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Beijing's largest ice rink opens to visitors

//english.dbw.cn  Author:  Source:People's Daily Online  Editor:Yang Fan  2023-01-06 09:19:06

Visitors play on the Kunming Lake Ice Rink in Beijing's Summer Palace. (People's Daily Online/Lei Sheng)

The Summer Palace Ice Rink, the largest ice rink in Beijing, opened to visitors on Dec. 31, 2022.

The Summer Palace Ice Rink has space for about 4,000 people. It consists of three areas - the Kunming Lake Ice Rink, Suzhou Street Ice Rink, and Xidi Ice Slide, providing multiple forms of entertainment such as single-person ice wagon, two-person ice wagon, ice bike, ice slide, electric dog sled, and electric ice bumper car.

The Summer Palace Ice Rink is expected to remain open until Feb. 4, 2023. It recently launched an online reservation system for the first time. Visitors must make reservations online.

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