China's revolution was the greatest one in the history of mankind, and celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a milestone in the journey of the People's Republic of China, former Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yong-boon Yeo has said.
Yeo made the remarks in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao on Tuesday, saying that the Western system cannot work in China or in many other places in Asia, and only the CPC can find the path for China.
"Because China is huge and the journey of revolution is full of twists and turns, the CPC is always learning and finding the path," he added.
In his view, the agrarian reform is a significant part of China's revolution, in which the CPC played a key role. Furthermore, China raised the status of women by establishing monogamy and equal rights for men and women. As a result, Chinese women probably have the highest status in Asia, he said. Enditem