双语:美大选惊魂之夜特朗普逆袭 看媒体何反应 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2017-06-21 16:58:54 |
![]() 当地时间11月9日,纽约曼哈顿,特朗普大选获胜后现身竞选夜集会地,发表胜选演讲。 The world reacted with shock, awe and no small measure of disbelief early Wednesday as the US electoral map began to tilt toward Donald Trump, who has promised sweeping changes to American policy. 9日上午,美国大选的选情地图开始倒向唐纳德特朗普一边,这让整个世界都感到震惊惶恐、不可思议。他承诺要彻底改变美国的政策。 "IT'S A TRUMP-QUAKE," blared the website of the Daily Mail, which said the electoral results had "confounded all the experts." 《每日邮报》网站称,“特朗普引发了一场动荡”,选举结果“令所有专家百思不得其解”。 Other foreign media houses were more circumspect, exercising caution until all the votes had been counted. "Contest down to the wire after months of acrimony," read the Timesof London's lead headline. 其他外国媒体更为谨慎,直到计票结束前始终保持审慎的态度。《泰晤士报》的头条是“历经数月唇枪舌战后,竞选即将落幕。” In Mexico, media outlets were focused on a sharp drop in the value of the peso to an all-time low. "Dollar breaks barrier," read the lead headline onEl Sol de Mexico, a leading newspaper in the nation's capital. 墨西哥媒体纷纷报道比索急剧贬值,已经跌至历史新低。该国首都的主流报纸《墨西哥太阳报》的头条为“美元打破壁垒”。 The Manila Bulletin, a newspaper in the Philippines, filled its website's "latest news" section with US election dispatches. "Trump within reach of shock White House win," read one wire service story featured by the paper's editors. 菲律宾《马尼拉公报》网站的“最新消息”栏里充斥着关于美国大选的报道,该报编辑纂写的一篇网络报道称“出人意料的胜利对于特朗普唾手可得。” Indian news anchor Rajdeep Sardesai called it the "election to beat all elections" and a "miracle." 印度新闻主播拉吉迪普萨德赛称“这场大选超越了所有的选举”,是一场“奇迹”。 In Europe, many newspapers were even more direct: "United States fears total paralysis," said a headline in Spain's El Pais. 许多欧洲报纸甚至更加直白,西班牙《国家报》的头条写道:“美国忧心社会陷入完全瘫痪”。 The Economist, a British publication that often trumpets its fondness for the US, described Tuesday evening as "Fright night." Prior to Election Day, it had published a strident editorial that warned Americans against voting for Trump. 英国期刊《经济学人》经常对美国赞不绝口,该期刊将8日晚称为“惊魂之夜”。大选举日前夕,该期刊曾发表尖锐评论,警告美国人民不要为特朗普投票。 "His experience, temperament and character make him horribly unsuited to being the head of state of the nation that the rest of the democratic world looks to for leadership," it said. 《经济学人》表示,“特朗普的经验和脾气秉性令其无法胜任民主世界领袖国家的总统之位”。 中国网友精彩评论摘选: 东营营长:蔡依林曾经预测过:DT(Donald Trump) in the house(white house) 月月鸟不爱疯:风在吼!马在叫!奥巴马在造谣!希拉里做假票!自由女神万丈高,密西西比燕麦熟了。落基山脉黑人兄弟真不少,黄石公园穆斯林哥们呈英豪。发动道奇皮卡!拿起长枪狙炮!保卫家乡!保卫川普!保卫自由!保卫美利坚! 点点忘记时间:有个词还记得吗?川流不息……(川留不希) 金伯利希尔:先输不是输后输的才是猪 杜雪啊啊啊_:#川普赢了#美国产房传来喜讯:生了!是个男孩! 小-刘-忙:这以后谁还相信CNN这些媒体,做的啥民调啊? 饺子咯咯:事实证明,非要在伪君子和真小人中选一个,大家还是倾向于后者 权倾:两个老人为了工作争得热火朝天我们还有什么理由不努力 白色糯米团子:美剧结束了,就看韩剧了 Vocabulary circumspect:慎重的 too close to call:难分上下 curtail:削减 strident:尖锐的 英文来源:美国有线新闻网 翻译:董静 编审:丹妮 (中国日报网)
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |