2016柯林斯年度热词TOP10:Brexit荣登榜首 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-11-10 11:15:42 |
![]() It is a world where the most intimatefeelings and desires can be portrayed with a single emoticon. 这是个只用一个表情符号就能表达最亲密的情感和欲望的世界。 And it seems the fleetingnature of social media and texting is having an impact on the English language as the words we most frequently use are getting shorter. 社交媒体和短信的闪现属性似乎正影响着英语(精品课)文字的使用,因为我们最常用的单词越来越短了。 Helen Newstead, the head of language content at Collins, said its 2016"words of the year" list has been strongly influenced by the younger generation. 柯林斯语言内容负责人海伦·纽斯特德表示,年轻一代对2016年柯林斯“年度词汇”的影响力巨大。 Ms Newstead put the changing nature of language down to social media where space is often restricted and messages are sent in haste. 纽斯特德女士把语言属性的改变归因于社交媒体,因其空间往往有限,且信息常常是匆忙发送的。 The Collins list is put together by a panel of lexicographers and experts, who look at terms that are becoming increasingly used. There are around 4.5 billion words in the Collins Corpus, but between 10 and 12 are picked for the final list. 柯林斯目录是由词典学家和专家小组共同编制的,他们着眼于那些使用率日益增多的词汇。在柯林斯语言资料库中大约有45亿个单词,但只有10到12个单词被收录到最终目录里。 转播到腾讯微博
![]() This year, the experts decided the word of the year was “Brexit” after it saw an unprecedentedupsurge. 今年,在见证了“Brexit”(英国脱欧)空前高涨的使用率之后,专家决定把“Brexit”作为年度词汇之首。 2016 | Collins’ Words of the Year 2016|柯林斯年度词汇 Brexit (noun): The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union Brexit(名词):英国脱欧,指的是英国退出欧盟 Dude food(noun): Junk food such as hot dogs or burgers, which are considered particularly appealing to men Dude food(名词):纯爷们美食,指的是热狗或汉堡一类特别受男士欢迎的垃圾食品 Hygge(noun): A concept, originating in Denmark, of creating cosy and convivial atmospheres that promote well-being Hygge(名词):友好温馨的氛围,这个概念起源于丹麦,指的是创造舒适、欢快且有益健康的氛围 Jomo(noun acronym, joy of missing out): Pleasure gained from enjoying one’s current activities without worrying that other people are having more fun Jomo(首字母缩略名词,错失的快乐):享受当下的乐趣,且不去考虑他人过得更欢乐 Mic drop(noun): A theatrical gesture in which a person drops (or imitates the action of dropping) a hand-held microphone to the ground as the finale to a speech or performance Mic drop(名词):丢麦克风,一个人将手持麦克风扔在地上(或模仿着扔的动作)来结束演讲或表演的夸张姿势 Sharenting(noun): The habitual use of social media to share news and images of one’s children Sharenting(名词):晒娃成癖,习惯性地在社交媒体上分享孩子的动态和照片 Snowflake generation(noun): The young adults of the 2010s, who are viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations Snowflake generation(名词):雪花一代,指的是2010年代的青壮年,他们与前几代人相比,适应性差,且更容易生气 Throw shade(verb): To make a public show of contempt for someone or something, often in a subtle or non-verbal manner Throw shade(动词):公开蔑视,多以微妙或非言语的方式来公开蔑视某人或某事 Trumpism(noun): (1) the policies advocated by the US politician Donald Trump, especially those involving a rejection of the current political establishment and the vigorous pursuit of American national interests (2) a controversial or outrageous statement attributed to Donald Trump Trumpism(名词):特朗普主义(1)美国政客唐纳德·特朗普倡导的政策,特别是那些涉及抵制当前政治体制以及积极追求美国民族利益的政策;(2)唐纳德·特朗普发表的有争议的或令人震惊的声明 Uberization(noun): The adoption of a business model in which services are offered on demand through direct contact between a customer and supplier, usually via mobile technology Uberization(名词):优步化,通常以移动技术直接连接顾客和供应商来为顾客提供服务的一种商业模式的应用
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |