双语阅读:特朗普当总统?奥巴马说“不可能” | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-02-19 13:30:13 |
President Barack Obama has said he believes Donald Trump will not become president and warned the American public to consider that his successor would have access to the nuclear codes. 美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马表示,他认为唐纳德·特朗普不会成为新任总统,并警告美国民众要三思,因为他的继任者将能知道核弹发射密码。 Mr Obama launched a scathing attack on the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination in which he identified Mr Trump by name. 奥巴马辛辣地攻击了领先的共和党总统候选人,并特别指出了特朗普。 He said: "I continue to believe Mr Trump will not be president. And the reason is I have a lot of faith in the American people. I think they recognise being president is a serious job. It's not hosting a talk show or a reality show, it's not promotion, it's not marketing, it's hard and a lot of people count on us getting it right. 奥巴马说:“我依然认为,特朗普不可能成为下一任总统。原因是我对美国民众很有信心。我相信大家都明白,总统身负重担,其工作不可能像主持脱口秀或者真人秀那么简单。总统的工作不是宣传,也不是营销,要把总统做好很难,有那么多人指望着我们能做出正确决策,让事态好起来。 "It's not a matter of pandering and getting in the news every day. It requires being able to work with leaders around the world in a way that reflects the importance of the office, and gives people confidence that you know the facts, and you know their names, and you know where they are on a map, and you know something about their history." “当总统不是要去迎合选民,或者天天上新闻。作为总统,应该能和世界各国领导者们共同合作,由此显现出总统的价值。了解他国的现状,知道他们的名字,能在地图上指出他们的国土,对他们的历史略知一二,这些都很重要,因为这会带给人们信心。” Mr Obama added: "The guy who's standing where I stand has the nuclear codes with him. He can order 21-year-olds into fire. 奥巴马还补充道:“接替我担任总统的人将能掌握核弹密码,他可以命令21岁的士兵冲锋陷阵。 "This is reported as entertainment but as you get closer (to the election) the reality has a way of intruding. The American people are pretty sensible and I think they'll make a sensible choice." “现在有关总统竞选的报道听起来就和闹着玩的一样,可一旦你走近(选举)就会发现,现实的情况是残酷的。好在美国民众们都颇为明智,我相信他们能做出理性的选择。” Mr Obama was speaking at a press conference in California after hosting a summit with Southeast Asian leaders. 这番话是奥巴马在主持完东南亚领导人峰会之后,在加利福尼亚州召开的新闻发布会上说的。 He said: "This is not just Mr. Trump. Everyone's focusing on Trump because he says it in a more interesting way. He may up the ante in anti-Muslim sentiment, but if you look at what the other Republican candidates have said, that's pretty troubling, too. They're all denying climate change and that's troubling to the scientific community." 他说道:“我要说的不只是特朗普。大家都只关注特朗普,因为他能将竞选一事说得天花乱坠。他或许借助于民众的反穆斯林情绪来给自己加码,可若是反观其他共和党竞选者的宣言你会发现,他们的言辞同样令人不安。他们都拒绝正视气候变暖问题,这会给科学界带来不小的麻烦。” Mr Trump responded: "This man has done such a bad job and set us back so far. The borders are like Swiss cheese. For him to say that is actually a compliment. 对此,特朗普回应道:“奥巴马当总统这几年干得很糟糕,我们的生活可是跟着在倒退。现在美国的边境就跟瑞士奶酪一样漏洞百出,这么说他已经算是口下留情了。 "He's lucky I didn't run last time, when (Mitt) Romney ran, because he would have been a one-term president." “奥巴马应该庆幸,我没有参加上一次的总统竞选,他的对手只是(米特)罗姆尼,要不然他恐怕是没办法连任的。” The president refused to make a choice between the two Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. 关于民主党候选人希拉里克林顿和伯尼桑德斯二者谁会笑到最后,奥巴马拒绝对此做出评论。 Vocabulary pander:迎合;怂恿 up the ante:提高赌注加码;提出更多的要求 英文来源:每日电讯报 译者:刘佳丽
Author: Source:xinhua Editor:Yang Fan |