双语阅读:英语读懂大年初九 比年初一更隆重 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-02-18 10:22:25 |
正月初九俗称天公生,汉族传统农历节日之一。是天界最高神祇玉皇大帝的诞辰,天公就是玉皇大帝。 拜天公对于福建人来说尤其重要,甚至比大年初一更为隆重。 The ninth day of the New Year is a day for Chinese to offer prayers to the Jade Emperor of Heaven (Tiangong) in the Daoist Pantheon. The ninth day is traditionally the birthday of the Jade Emperor. This day, called Tian Kong Dan, Tiangong Sheng or Bai Tian Kong, is especially important to Hokkiens, even more important than the first day of the Chinese New Year. ![]() 在这一天的早上,台湾家家户户都会摆起三层桌,供桌上备神灯、五果(柑、桔、苹果、香蕉、甘蔗)、六斋(金针、木耳、香菇、菜心、豌豆、豆腐等),并面线塔,另设清茶三怀,还有甜粿、社龟,到了时辰,全家整肃衣冠,按尊卑挨次上香,行三跪九叩礼拜,然后烧天公金预祝玉皇长寿。 In the morning of this birthday, households in Taiwan set up an altar table with 3 layers: one top (containing offertories of six vegetables, noodles, fruits, cakes, tangyuan, vegetable bowls, and unripe betel, all decorated with paper lanterns) and two lower levels (containing the five sacrifices and wines) to honor the deities below the Jade Emperor. The household then kneels three times and kowtows nine times to pay obeisance and wish him a long life.
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |