劳逸结合 分享英语学习愉快有效的10大方法 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2015-12-10 14:52:44 |
![]() 这个世界上有许许多多不同的英语(精品课)学习方法,但就好像人只分“男人女人”一样,所有的英语学习方法也能被总体分为两类:刻意学习和休闲学习。 打个比方,看语法书、做练习题,这些都是你主动、刻意地去学习英语。通常人们认为这些学习活动枯燥又乏味。再打个比方,看英语节目,玩英语游戏,这些边玩边学习的活动,就是休闲学习。而通常人们又认为这些学习都只是打擦边球,很难真正学到正统的英语知识。 其实,正如同中国从古就奉行的“中庸”之道一样,我们没必要去追求单纯的刻意或休闲的学习方式。如果我们能把2种学习方式都拿来用,不就能劳逸结合,让英语学习变得既正统又不失乐趣了吗? 所以,今天小编将对Serious study和Fun study的学习方法进行结合,为你分享如何学英语愉快又有效。 劳逸结合一:牢记知识 A: Serious study - take a course. English courses will help you learn the most important words and grammar and can help you make sure you're learning everything correctly. There are two main ways to take English language courses: offline and online. You are reading WeChat, so you are learning online now. 自学英语固然是自强的体现,但上课学英语会显得更有系统性且更加科学。如果你有机会参与英语课程,或者是听别人授课,会比你自己钻研来得更有效率,也不容易误入歧途。 B: Fun study - write in a journal. You need to write it in English, and write down what you’ve learnt today. This will force you to practice your writing and vocabulary. It will also force you to practice making new sentences, instead of just repeating sentences you already know. Also you can make it a learning notes: write down new words when you hear or see them. 你或许会奇怪,写日记哪里有趣了?这样想的你,一定是把它当成小学时的日记作业了。其实写日记可以很有趣,就好像你上网看东西,经常会在微信上写点字来“吐槽”吧?写英语学习日记也是如此,英语中也有许多值得你吐槽的点。既然你有空在朋友圈里吐槽,那又怎么不能在自己的日记本上吐槽得更猛烈些呢?当然,别忘记在日记中都记点有用的心得和知识点,还能提醒“未来的自己”。 劳逸结合二:海外交流 A: Serious study - find an online pen-pal.Pen-pals are people trying to learn your language that you write letters (or emails) to and they write back. You write half of your letter in your native language so that they can practice and half in English so that you can practice. You can talk about whatever you want! 英国人想学中文,中国人想学英文,怎么办?简单,双方互相留个email地址或其他联系方法,互相交流学习,岂不是一箭双雕?如果你还能因此结交老外朋友,把人脉拓展到海外,那就成“一箭三雕”了。再如果,你能与心仪的老外男神/女神坠入爱河,那就是“一箭四雕”……小编不说了,再说天上的雕全都掉下来了。 B: Fun study - travel to an English-speaking nation.Traveling to a place where everyone speaks English will help you learn a lot faster. Take a temporary job or a study abroad course in an English-speaking country. You can also take shorter trips, but immersing yourself in the language for at least 3 months will help the most. 学习不能闭门造车,要经常出门与人交流。如果你爱旅游,就正好可以把海外游当作自己的英语学习实践。你可以一年出国旅游一次,当某一天你的英语达到大师级水平时,你或许也已经玩遍了世界。 劳逸结合三:锻炼口语 A: Serious study – force yourself to speak in English.Spend some time on speaking English every day. You can talk to yourself, or to your friends, teachers and coworkers who speak English. Force yourself to speak with them in English, and forget all Chinese at that moment. 想说好英语,必然不能逃过“说”这一关。任何书本上的知识和大脑里的思考都是纸上谈兵。但现实却是恰恰大部分人都“死”在了开口这个环节上——不是因为他们不会开口说英语,而是不敢开口说英语。这就好比你明明喜欢一个人,却害怕表白被拒绝,所以一直闷声不吭,结果对方被别人抢走了。因为害怕失败而故意失败,聪明的你应该不会做这种“蠢”事吧? B: Fun study - watch talk shows.Why the hosts are so good at English speaking? It’s not because they have good mouth, it’s because they think in English, and they are good at thinking. 英语怎么说得溜?脱口秀的主持人说英语这么溜,全凭天生的英语思维。比起思维我们不一定差,但是比起英语思维,我们还有很多要学的地方。还有,当哪一天你看脱口秀笑得肚子疼了,那么你就已经很好地理解掌握了老外说话的方式。 劳逸结合四:理解英语 A: Serious study - Read, read, read.One of the easiest things you can do to learn English faster is to read as much as you can. Read things all the time. This will make your vocabulary better and it will also help you learn grammar and slang. 如果你想英语全面进步,除了说以外也要练好“读”。想要练就一目十行的本领吗?不是你眼球肌肉转得快就能做到的。看明白每一句话,看懂文章的意思,是建立在你对英语语法和习语的知识基础上的。反过来说,你耐心点从一个字一个字开始看,看多了,你的英语语法和习语的使用自然会增强。 B: Fun study - watch movies.Watching movies will also help you improve your English, by helping you to hear what it sounds like and also helping you to learn new words. You can start watching with subtitles on, but you will learn more with the subtitles off. 同样是“看”这个动作,看电影比看文章轻松多了。不过,看电影其实能够让你接受更多的信息——老外说不同句子时的情感、语气和发音等内容都是你在看书时难以获得的。或许你会在成为英语达人的同时也成为电影达人,说不定还能从此进军好莱坞? 劳逸结合五:沉浸学习 A: Serious study - immerse yourself. Immersion is one of the best ways to learn a language. This means that you need to study English every day, for at least 1 hour a day. One hour once a week is not enough to learn. If you can spend at least 3-6 hours a day hearing, writing, and speaking English, this will help you the most. 其实说来说去,能否学好英语的根本因素还在于你的态度——是否愿意每天花时间在英语学习上?答案是Yes的话,你的英语肯定能Good;答案是No的话,你的英语肯定会Bad。如果你的迫切地希望自己学好英语,最快的方法就是每天花时间让自己沉浸在英语学习中。 B: Fun study - sing songs.Learning and singing songs is another good way to make your English better. This will help you learn the sounds of English (rhymes will help your pronunciation). It will also help improve your vocabulary. Find a song you like, learn it, and learn what the lyrics mean. 说要沉浸式学习,你该不会真的摇头晃脑念书念几个小时吧?不如每天学一首歌吧。你可以每天学一首英文歌,然后一周约朋友们来一次英文歌大赛,决战KTV。等你英语学有所成时,相信你也能够在“XX好声音”的舞台上震撼出道了。
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |