双语阅读:第九季将回归 盘点生活大爆炸轶闻 | |||||||||||
2015-09-16 15:53:14
The Big Bang Theory, CBS’s high-rated sitcom, will kick off its ninth season on September 21. In the meantime, geek out with these facts about the long-running cerebral comedy. 《生活大爆炸》这部CBS高收视美剧将在9月21日开播第九季。此前我们一起来盘点一下有关这部超长高智商剧集的10个趣闻轶事。 1. The show wasn't pitched in a traditional way. 这部美剧在开始拍摄的时候不走寻常路。 Instead of writing up a premise—which includes outlines of the characters and the long-term vision for the show—and pitching it to CBS, co-creators Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady revealed at PaleyFest in 2009 that for their pitch, they wrote a complete script, hired actors, and, as Lorre explained, “put on a show” for CBS president Les Moonves. Lorre found the experience to be “crazy,” but it obviously worked. 前情介绍、各个角色及性格大纲、长远打算……在这些全都没有的情况下,两位主创Chuck Lore和Bill Prady就把自己想出来的点子丢给了CBS。据Lorre所说,他们在2009年佩利电视节发布了《生活大爆炸》,他们写了完整的剧本、邀请演员试拍,然后呈献给CBS主席Les Moonves观看。连Lorre自己都觉得这一系列经历很“疯狂”,但却真的成功了。 2.It took two pilots for the show to get picked up to series. 这部剧出了两次试播集。 The show filmed two different pilots, because CBS didn't like the first one but felt the show had potential. The first pilot began with a different theme song and featured Sheldon, Leonard, and two female characters, including a different actress playing what would become the Penny role. Chuck Lorre thought the initial pilot “sucked”. 这部美剧拍了两集试播,因为CBS虽然不喜欢第一次的试播、但觉得它很有潜力。主题曲和演员都换过:Sheldon,Lenard,两位女性角色以及Penny都换过人。Chuck Lorre自己也觉得第一次是部烂剧。 3. Jim Parsons thought he was auditioning for a game show. Jim Parsons(饰演谢耳朵)一开始被邀请视镜时,以为自己要去参加一个游戏节目。 4. Ed Robertson of the Barenaked Ladies hesitated to write the theme song. 主题曲The History of Everything的创作者——躶体淑女合唱团主唱Ed Robertson被邀请写主题曲,但她一开始是拒绝的。 5. Sheldon probably doesn't have asperger's. 谢耳朵并没有亚斯伯格症候群(神经发展障碍的一种。其重要特征是社交困难,伴随着兴趣狭隘及重复特定行为)。 6.Kunal Nayyar got hired because he was "charming". Kunal Nayyar(饰演Raj)被邀请参演,是因为他本人“很有魅力”。 7.A TV critic confused comedian/actor Kumail Nanjiani with Kunal Nayyar. 曾经有电视评论员把Kunal Nayyar(饰演Raj)和喜剧演员Kumail Nanjiani搞混。 8. Amy was made a neuroscientist on purpose. Amy是故意被设定成神经科学家的。 9.The new season will integrate the new Star Wars film. 新一季将代入《星球大战7》。 10. Jim Parsons and Daley Cuoco-Sweeting are the world's highest paid TV actors. Jim Parsons(饰演谢耳朵)和Daley Cuoco-Sweeting(饰演Penny)分别是全球收入最高的电视剧男演员和女演员。
Author: Source: qq.com Editor: Yang Fan |