双语阅读:世界教师节已至 在教师节学会感恩 | |||||||||||
2015-09-14 15:44:12
World Teachers' Day – a UNESCO initiative that celebrates teachers around the world. Since 1994, WTD is held annually on October 5, to raise awareness and address the issues pertinent to teachers: whilst recognising the contribution they make to education. 世界教师日——一个由联合国教科文组织发起的为全世界的老师们庆祝的节日。从1994年开始,每年的10月5日为世界教师日,来提高对教师的关注以及解决与之相关的问题,同时表彰他们对教育的贡献。 Isn’t it curious that one of the most pivotal professions in our society, that impacts our young people, influences our leaders of tomorrow and affects the way we live our life, rarely receives the respect or acknowledgement it deserves. 你对这个我们社会中最主要的职业之一不好奇吗?这种职业影响着我们的年轻人、未来的领导者以及我们的生活方式,却极少受到它应得的尊重与感谢。 Teachers and school communities are a vital component to the healthy functioning of our society and yet in the UK, teacher morale is in crisis, external criticism is rife and sickness due to stress is exploding. 教师和学校社区是我们社会健全机能中至关重要的组成部分,然而在英国,教师的情绪状态正处于危机之中,来自外部的批评到处都是,而由压力引起的的疾病也正在爆发。 Tomorrow is the day to appreciate teachers and the extraordinary job they do to teach, support and inspire our children. As you finish this article, raise a glass to the teachers that inspired you. Say thank you to the teachers that made a positive difference in your life. 明天是感谢教师的日子,而这个职业是特别的,老师们教育、支持和启发我们的孩子,当你看完这篇文章,去向曾经启发过你的老师举杯致敬吧,向那些对你的生活产生积极影响的老师们好好道谢。 Teachers are the most valuable resource in education. It’s time to appreciate their value in our society. You cannot put a price on inspiring a child to be the best they can be. Teachers are the unsung heroes of our communities. 教师们是教育行业中最宝贵的资源,是时候来肯定他们在我们社会中的价值了。老师们能够最好地启发一个孩子,而你却无法为此定价。老师们是我们社会中默默无闻的英雄。 Today of all days, let’s acknowledge and celebrate their foundational influence in our lives. 就在今天,让我们来感谢并赞美老师们对我们的生活最基本的影响。 I will be saying thank you to the fantastic teacher who, thirty years ago, taught me to make the best sponge cake ever, that still leaves my whole family salivating and in awe of my baking prowess. Thank you Mrs. Edgel. 我要对一位非常棒的老师说声谢谢,三十年前,她教我做出了有史以来最棒的海绵蛋糕,这蛋糕至今仍然让我的家人垂涎欲滴,深深钦佩我的烘焙技术。谢谢你,Edgel夫人。
Author: Source: qq.com Editor: Yang Fan |