Chinese President Xi delieversa speech on Thursday. [Photo/Xinhua]
Wow! What an amazing event. Also, a very proud time for Chinesepeople everywhere.
I watched all of the events regarding the celebration of VictoryDay. I spent the morning with the Wang family here in Zhengzhou. Wewatched half of the festivities on CCTV-13 and the other half Iwatched on CCTV News (CCTV-9) on my iPad.
The events were simply spectacular. President Xi showed himselfas a true world class leader. Not just a leader of the largestpopulated country in the world, but, a leader who deserves therespect and honor due to any great man who has ever existed inhistory. The excellence and near perfection of all of the eventsshowed his strength and character in a way that the world, andespecially, the Chinese people need to see during this time.
Moreover, I feel embarrassed that my home country, the USA,didnt participate. What an excellent opportunity to show trueinternational leadership to the world. Sadly, America missed thatopportunity and for whatever reason, missed out on something thatwas intended to promote world peace.
I wondered why America chose not to be there. Was it simply away to slap China in the face once again and somehow punish themfor whatever they perceive China to be? Did they do it simplybecause of some strange loyalty that they now have towards Japan?Did they not show up because they were embarrassed at the use ofatomic weaponry against the Japanese and feared that this part ofhistory would only remind others of the massive loss of life atthat time? Did they not show because they feel that China wants totake credit for ending the war when in fact most of the worldperceives that the two bombs dropped on Japan forced itsunconditional surrender 70 years ago?
I honestly dont know. But, I do know that America missed agreat opportunity to show the respect they believe they deserve inthe world.
On another note, the Wang family celebrated the events as theyshould be celebrated. May Wang had all of us stand during theplaying and singing of the Chinese national anthem. I stood upright along with the others. I was moved so deeply that I foughtback tears. Each time a friend of China, leaders from Pakistan andof course, Russian President Putin, were introduced, May applaudedfor the bond of friendship of these countries. Again, I felt deeplymoved at her show of patriotism, love and loyalty to her greatcountry.
The outcome, in my mind, spelled hope and assurance for thefuture. China made a statement. President Xi was the voice of thatstatement. The statement said loudly and clearly, “We are strong.We are leaders. We stand for peace.”