英语热词:阳光这么美 不来张“晨拍”吗? | |||||||||||
2015-06-17 10:55:30
一早起来看微博就发现喜欢的女神发了一张美美的晨拍照,刚睡醒的样子都那么完美,真是无敌了!可是,那真的是刚睡醒拍的照片吗? Morning selfie describes the situation when someone posts a selfie to any social media in the morning, looking like he/she just woke up, but in fact, they already took a shower and put on make-up before taking the selfie. Still, there are someone stupid enough giving many likes to such kind of selfies. 晨拍指一大早发到社交网站上的自拍照,看上去像刚起床的样子,但其实是洗澡、化妆以后的自拍照。不过,还是有些不明就里的人会给这种自拍照点赞。 Originallly, morning selfie means that you grab your phone and take a picture of yourself the moment you wake up. Then you post the picture to social media. The rule is you are not allowed to fix your hair, put on make-up, turn on the lights, or even remove the crusty stuff from your eyes. 晨拍最初的意思是指,早上醒来后立即拿手机自拍照片,然后发到社交网站。这种自拍照的规则是,不许弄头发、化妆或开灯,连眼角的分泌物都不能清除。
Author: Source: qq.com Editor: Yang Fan |