双语:夫唱妇随? 希拉里宣布竞选美国总统 | |||||||||||
2015-04-14 11:07:08
![]() Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has formally entered the 2016 race for the White House in a bid to become the first woman US president. 前美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿正式宣布将参加2016年美国总统大选,如果成功她将成为美国历史上的第一位女总统。 She launched her campaign website on Sunday, telling Americans she wanted to be their "champion". 希拉里于上周日开放了自己的竞选网站,并告诉美国民众她想成为他们的“捍卫者”。 Mrs Clinton ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 but lost to Barack Obama. 2008年希拉里就曾参与民主党总统候选人的角逐,但输给了奥巴马。 In a video on her website, Mrs Clinton declared: "I am running for president". 在竞选网站里的视频中,希拉里宣布:“我准备参与总统大选。” "Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times," she said, "but the deck is still stacked in favour of those at the top. “美国人民在经济不景气时期依然奋力拼搏扭转了局面,但是天平还是向着塔尖上的少数人倾斜。” "Everyday Americans need a champion and I want to be that champion," she added. “每天美国民众都需要一个捍卫者,而我希望成为这个捍卫者。” The video features a number of Americans talking about their hopes and aspirations. 视频中很多美国人谈到他们的希望与决心。 It ends with Mrs Clinton saying: "So I'm hitting the road to earn your vote because it's your time and I hope you'll join me on this journey". 最后,希拉里说:“所以我已经整装待发争取你们的选票,因为这是属于你们的时代,希望你们能与我一起踏上征途。” Mrs Clinton's team said would spend the next few weeks building up grassroots support in the early Democratic primary states; she tweeted that she is on her way to Iowa. 希拉里的竞选团队表示接下来的几周他们会首先在民主党的初选州赢取基层支持,希拉里在推特上也称她已经在去爱荷华州的路上了。 She is expected to hold her first rally, officially kicking off her campaign, in mid-May. 预计五月中旬希拉里及其竞选团队将会开启正式的竞选活动。 Hillary Clinton - her Washington career so far 希拉里·克林顿的政治生涯 Tried to reform US healthcare during husband Bill's first term as president (1993-1997) but her plan never reached a vote in Congress 1993-1997年克林顿担任美国总统期间希拉里曾尝试改革美国的卫生保健措施但未得到国会的支持 Stood by her husband when his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky was exposed, 1997-98 1997-1998年克林顿被爆出与莱温斯基的性丑闻时希拉里选择支持丈夫 Elected as Democratic senator for New York, 2000 2000年当选为纽约州的民主党参议员 Voted in favour of the Iraq war in 2003 but later distanced herself from the war 2003年表示支持伊拉克战争但随后与战争保持距离 Ran for the Democratic nomination in 2008 but conceded in favour of Barack Obama 2008年参与民主党候选人角逐但不敌奥巴马 Served as US secretary of state 2009-2013 2009-2013年任美国国务卿 Embroiled in controversy over the attack on a US consulate in Benghazi, Libya in 2012 2012年美国驻利比亚班加西大使馆遭袭,希拉里卷入争议之中 Investigated by the State Department for her use of a private email server, circumventing legal requirements 因违反规定使用私人电子邮件服务器而被美国国务院调查
Author: Source: qq.com Editor: Yang Fan |