your position :English > English Study  > Learning English > TME4/8  content
  • Most popular actresses in HK movies
  • Beijing's port of tulips
  • Collection of Fan Bingbing's original photos without PS
  • Celebrities' graduation photos
  • Fashion faceoff: who wears better?
  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2012-06-21 10:06:21



    鑾茶棔鎺掗姹わ細lotus root and rip soup

    楸煎ご娉¢ゼ锛?bread soaked in fish head soup

    鐐歌棔澶癸細 deep-fried lotus root sandwich

    鑵岀瑑椴滐細bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork

    鐑ゆ澗鑼革細roasted matsutake

    娌圭剸鏄ョ瑡锛歜raised bamboo shoot

    閰歌彍楸硷細boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili

    棣欑厧椹矝楸硷細decocted mackerel

    閰歌荆钘曚竵锛歨ot and sour lotus root

    钁辨补妞掔洂鑺卞嵎锛歴teamed twisted rolls with scallion and spicy salt

    棣掑ご锛歴teamed bread

    骞茬倰鐗涙渤锛歴tir-fried rice noodles with beef

    鑵婃眮鑲夊す棣嶏細Chinese hamburger

    缇婅倝娉¢锛歱ita bread soaked in lamb soup

    鍏板窞鎷夐潰锛歀anzhou hand-pulled noodles

    宀愬北鑷婂瓙闈細Qishan minced noodles


    闈掕彍鐐掑勾绯曪細rice cake stir-fried with vegetables

    姣涜煿鐐掑勾绯曪細rice cake stir-fried with crabs

    鎵佽眴鐒栭潰锛歜raised noodles with lentil

    灞辫タ鐒栭潰锛歋hanxi braised noodles

    娓呮槑鍥㈠瓙锛歴weet green rice ball

    椴滆櫨浜戝悶闈細won ton noodle with shrimps

    澶х叜骞蹭笣锛歳aised shredded chicken with ham and dried tofu

    璞嗚厫鑴戯細tofu curd

    棣欑偢濂惰眴鑵愶細fried dried milk cake

    钂欏彜濂惰尪锛歁ongolia milky tea

    鐐镐钩鎵囷細fried dairy fan

    鐑ょ緤鎺掞細baked lamp chop

    绾㈢儳姣涜眴鑵愶細stinky tofu braised in soy sauce

    缁嶅叴閱夐浮锛歋haoxing chicken in wine

    閰歌彍鐧借倝锛歱ickled Chinese cabbage with plain boiled pork

    閰歌彍楗哄瓙锛歞umpling of pickled Chinese cabbage

    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong