2012骞翠笂娴峰彛璇戣€冭瘯楂橀璇嶆眹鐩樼偣(6) | |
2012-05-21 14:02:16
涓?鏂囧寲绫?/p> 1.娑堥櫎鎰氭槯 eliminate ignorance 2.鎵櫎鏂囩洸 eliminate (wipe out ) illiteracy 3.钀ラ€犺壇濂界殑鏂囧寲鐜create a healthy cultural environment 4.淇冭繘鏂囧寲甯傚満鍋ュ悍鍙戝睍 facilitate the sound development of the markets for cultural products 5.寮€灞曞澶栨枃鍖栦氦娴?span class="Apple-converted-space"> conduct cultural exchange with other countries 6.鍗氶噰鍚勫浗鏂囧寲涔嬮暱draw on strong point of the cultures of other countries 7.寮€灞曠兢浼楁€ф枃鍖栨椿鍔╟arry out mass activities on culture 8.淇濇姢鏂囧寲閬椾骇 protect cultural heritage 9.缁ф壙鍘嗗彶鏂囧寲浼樼浼犵粺carry on the fine cultural traditions handed from history carry on the fine historical and cultural traditions 10.绻佽崳鏂囧鑹烘湳enable literature and art to flourish promote flourishing literature and art 11.涓捐姣忓勾涓€娆$殑瀛︽湳浼氳hold an annual academic meeting 12.灏婇噸鐭ヨ瘑锛屽皧閲嶄汉鎵峳espect knowledge and respect competent people 13.鍚戜笘鐣屽睍绀轰腑鍥芥枃鍖栧缓璁剧殑鎴愬氨introduce China’s achievements of cultural advancement to the world 14.鍔犲己鏂囧寲鍩虹璁炬柦寤鸿build more cultural establishments 15.鎻愬€℃枃鏄庣殑鐢熸椿鏂瑰紡 advocate civilized lifestyle(way of life) 16.涓嶆敞閲嶅巻鍙?span class="Apple-converted-space"> neglect history 17.鎺ㄥ姩浜虹被鏂囨槑杩涙push forward human civilization 18.瀵广€傘€傘€傛寔娆㈣繋鎬佸害take a welcoming attitude to 19.涓庡悇鍥戒汉姘戜氦寰€ communicate with people of all countries 20.鍜屻€傘€傘€傛寔鐩稿悓瑙傜偣share views similar to 21.淇冭繘鍎跨韬績鍋ュ悍鍙戝睍 promote the healthy development of children both physically and mentally 22.鏀硅繘鏁欏improve teaching and learning 23.淇濇姢鏂囧寲閬椾骇 protect cultural relics 24.瑙﹀嚮鐜拌娉曞緥鐨勭洸鍖簍ouch a blank area of the existing law 25.澧炲己鑷垜淇濇姢鎰忚瘑 strengthen one’s awareness of protecting one’s right 26.鍒椾负涓栫晫鑷劧鏂囧寲閬椾骇list …as a world natural heritage site 27.浠ュ叏鏂扮殑闈㈣矊杩涘叆鏂颁笘绾猠nter the new century with a brand-new colorful look 28.鏅強绉戞櫘鐭ヨ瘑锛屼紶鎾瀛︽€濇兂锛屽€″绉戝绮剧popularize scientific and technological knowledge,spread scientific thought and advocate the scientific spirit 29.鎻愰珮鍏姟鍛樼殑缁煎悎绱犺川improve the overall quality of civil servants 30.閫氳繃璧勬牸鑰冭瘯pass qualification examinations 31.涓惧姙鏂囧寲鑺? 灞曡浼歨old (conduct, give) cultural festivals / an exhibition 32.鏅強涔濆勾鍒朵箟鍔℃暀鑲瞞ake nine-year compulsory education universal 33.绮惧績缂栧啓鏁欐潗 compile the textbooks with great care 34鎵挎媴搴旀湁鐨勪箟鍔ndertake the due obligations 35.淇冭繘鐩镐簰浜嗚В enhance (further) mutual understanding 36.鐩镐簰淇冭繘help each other forward 37.浜掓淳璁块棶瀛﹁€?span class="Apple-converted-space"> exchange visiting scholars 38.浜ゆ崲鎰忚 exchange views (ideas, opinions) 39.鍙嶆槧涓浗鐨勭伩鐑傛枃鍖?span class="Apple-converted-space"> reflect the rich culture of China 40.瀹圭撼涓夊崈鍚嶆梾瀹?span class="Apple-converted-space"> accommodate 3000 passengers 41.鍙戞尌...鐨勮仾鏄庢墠鏅篸evelop one’s own talents and wisdom 42.鍏呭垎鍙戞尌鐭ヨ瘑鍒嗗瓙鐨勭Н鏋佹€у拰鍒涢€犳€ive full play to the initiative and creativity of intellectuals 43.寮€璁捐绋媜ffer courses 44.閲嶈瀹炵敤鎬lace stress on practicality 45.鍒舵鐩楃増杞欢 control the pirated software 46.鎻愪緵鍙楁暀鑲叉満浼歰ffer a chance of education 47.鏈夊姏鍦版帹鍔ㄦ暀鑲茬殑鍙戝睍give a big push to the development of education 48.鎵垮墠鍚悗锛岀户寰€寮€鏉uild on the past and prepare for the future;inherit the past and usherin the future 49.鐗╄川鏂囨槑,绮剧鏂囨槑涓€璧锋姄pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress 50.褰㈡垚鏂囨槑銆佸仴搴枫€佸磭灏氱瀛︾殑绀句細椋庡皻form civilized, healthy and science - upholding socialpractice |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 鏂颁笢鏂瑰湪绾? 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Yang Xiaoming |