鍐欎綔鎶€宸э細涓撳叓甯哥敤寮€澶磋 | |
2012-03-10 09:25:25
1 As far as...is concerned 灏?hellip;…鑰岃…… 渚嬪锛欰s far as the weather is concerned, I do not think it matters. 2 As far as we know 鎹垜浠墍鐭?/span> 渚嬪锛欰s far as we know, things are going well. 3 As the saying goes 淇楄璇?/span> 渚嬪锛欰s the saying goes, "Blood is thicker than water." 4 Generally speaking 涓€鑸潵璇?/span> 渚嬪锛欸enerally speaking, women live longer than men. 5 I am of the opinion that... 鎴戣涓?/span> 渚嬪锛欼 am of the opinion that your plan won't work in this situation. 6 In the beginning 棣栧厛 渚嬪锛汭n the beginning some of us took no interest in the subject. 7 It is no secret that... 姣嬪焊璁宠█ 渚嬪锛欼t is no secret that Peter will propose marriage to Maria. 8 So (As) the story goes 浼犺 渚嬪锛欰s the story goes, she left her husband as soon as she discovered that he had no money. 9 Sometimes... sometimes... 鏃惰€?hellip;…鏃惰€?hellip;… 渚嬪锛歋ometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not. 10 There is no denying the fact that... 鏃犲彲鍚﹁ 渚嬪锛歍here is no denying the fact that he has done the wrong thing. 11 Whether do... or not 涓嶇鎬庢牱 渚嬪锛歐hether he works or not, I don't think he will pass the exam. |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 娌睙鑻辫缃? 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong |