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鍙版咕Hello Kitty涓婚鑸彮 鑸┖鍏徃涔熷崠钀?/td>
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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2012-02-18 09:45:51

    Hello Kitty jets: Cutest airplanes ever

    Hello Kitty 涓婚鑸彮锛氬彶涓婃渶鍗栬悓鐨勯鏈?/span>

    Forget the YouTube videos. If you want a real dose of cute cat, book a flight with Taiwan airline EVA Air.


    The carrier has recently launched three Hello Kitty-themed aircraft, on which everything from the fuselage to the flight attendants to the food is kitted out in the kawaii cat brand's images.

    鏈€杩戦暱鑽h埅绌哄叕鍙稿紑閫氫簡涓変釜HelloKitty鐨勪富棰樿埅鐝紝 椋炴満涓婃墍鏈夌殑涓滆タ锛屼粠鏈鸿韩鍒扮┖濮愬啀鍒伴鐗╋紝鍏ㄩ兘浣跨敤浜嗗彲鐖辩殑Hello kitty鍥炬銆?/span>

    Passengers have been purring with delight, according to Anna Wong, an EVA Air public relations officer in Hong Kong.


    EVA Air spreads the message of love and friendship with Magic Jet, brings the world together with Global Jet and celebrates Hello Kitty's love of apples with Apple Jet.

    闀胯崳鑸┖閫氳繃鈥滈瓟娉曟満鈥濇潵浼犺揪鐖卞拰鍙嬭皧鐨勪俊鎭紝閫氳繃鈥滅幆鐞冩満鈥濇潵娌熼€氫笘鐣岋紝閫氳繃鈥滆嫻鏋滄満鈥濇潵搴嗙Hello Kity瀵硅嫻鏋滅殑鍠滅埍銆?/span>

    "Many people specify that they want to take EVA's special Hello Kitty jet," said Wong. "The response has been excellent so far."

    鐜嬪コ澹锛氣€滃緢澶氫汉閮芥寚瀹氳涔樺潗闀胯崳鐨勬煇涓€鏋禜ello Kitty涓婚鑸彮銆傜洰鍓嶅弽鍝嶉潪甯稿ソ銆傗€?/span>

    This isn't the first time Taiwan's second-largest carrier and Japan's comic company, Sanrio, which owns the Hello Kitty brand, have collaborated.

    杩欏苟涓嶆槸鍙版咕绗簩澶ц埅绌哄叕鍙稿拰鏃ユ湰涓変附娆у姩婕叕鍙哥殑绗竴娆″悎浣溿€傝鍔ㄦ极鍏徃鎷ユ湁Hello Kitty鍝佺墝銆?/span>

    The two companies launched the first generation of Hello Kitty jets in 2005. That Kitty fleet was disbanded in 2009, after its licensing agreement expired.

    涓ゅぇ鍏徃鍦?005骞村紑閫氫簡绗竴浠ello Kitty鐨勯鏈恒€傚埌2009骞磋鏈虹兢鐢变簬璁稿彲鍗忚鍒版湡鑰岃В鏁c€?/span>

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    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 娌睙鑻辫缃? 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong