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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2010-04-12 15:22:16

    鍙岃闃呰锛氬彴婀捐嫃鐝娐峰崥浼婂皵鈥滃皬鑳栤€濊蛋绾㈢綉缁? src=

    File photos of Susan Boyleand Lin Yu-chun. A Taiwanese shop worker dubbed Little Fatty told of his shock Thursday at becoming a Susan Boyle-like overnight Internet sensation after a flawless Whitney Houston rendition on a TV talent quest.

    A Taiwanese shop worker dubbed Little Fatty told of his shock Thursday at becoming a Susan Boyle-like overnight Internet sensation after a flawless Whitney Houston rendition on a TV talent quest.

    Lin Yuqun, 24, last week won over the judges and the audience of the Million Star show with eerilyaccurate renditions of Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" -- and has chalked up 480,000 hits on video sharing website YouTube.

    "I am shocked that I can draw so much attention. I'm really moved and happy that people like my performance of Whitney's song," said Lin, who works part-time at a musical instrument shop.

    "I've loved singing since I was a little boy and I feel like I am living my dream now. I hope I can pursue a career in singing," he told reporters.

    TVBS referred to him as "Taiwan's Susan Boyle", describing him as "plain-looking and short", but Lin, who has the nickname "Little Fatty", told reporters the comparison made him proud.

    "I am honoured to be compared to Susan Boyle. I am inspired and encouraged by her because she proved that even a person who's seen as an underdog and who has average looks can shine on the stage," Lin said.

    Since his performance was posted on Youtube late last week, he has been the subject of heated conversation in on-line chatrooms on American Yahoo! and other foreign websites, it said.

    "I got goose bumps. Whitney couldn't do it any better today," a viewer wrote on Youtube.

    Scottish spinster Susan Boyle shot to global stardom after she was discovered last year on the "Britain's Got Talent" television show with her performance of "I Dreamed a Dream" from "Les Miserables".

    The frumpychurch volunteer's first album, "I Dreamed a Dream," was the best-selling debut in British charthistory and also topped the US charts.


    鍦ㄦ棩鍓嶇殑涓€妗g數瑙嗛€夌鑺傜洰涓紝鍙版咕涓€鍚嶈绉颁负鈥滃皬鑳栤€濈殑鍟嗗簵鑱屽憳鍥犲畬缇庢紨缁庝簡涓€棣栨儬鐗瑰凹 浼戞柉椤跨殑姝屾洸涓€澶滈棿璧扮孩缃戠粶锛岃绉颁负鐢风増鑻忕強路鍗氫紛灏斻€備粬浜庢湰鍛ㄥ洓鎺ュ彈閲囪鏃惰〃杈句簡鑷繁鐨勯渿鎯婁箣鎯呫€?/span>





    棣欐腐鏃犵嚎鐢佃鍙扮О浠栦负鈥滃彴婀剧増鑻忕強 鍗氫紛灏斺€濄€佲€滄牱璨屾櫘閫氾紝韬潗涓嶉珮鈥濓紝浣嗚绉颁负鈥滃皬鑳栤€濈殑鏋楄偛缇ゅ憡璇夎鑰呰锛屾嬁鎴戝拰鑻忕強澶у鐩告瘮锛屾垜瑙夊緱寰堝厜鑽c€?/span>

    鏋楄偛缇よ锛氣€滄垜寰堣崳骞歌姣斾綔鑻忕強 鍗氫紛灏斻€傛槸濂瑰惎鍙戝拰榧撹垶浜嗘垜锛屽洜涓哄ス璇佹槑浜嗕竴涓汉锛屾棤璁哄埆浜烘€庝箞鐪嬩綘锛岄暱鐩稿浣曪紝閮藉彲浠ュ湪鑸炲彴涓婂ぇ鏀惧紓褰┿€傗€?/span>






    eerily锛歶ncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird锛堟€紓鍦帮紝绁炵鍦帮級

    goose bumps锛歛 roughness of the skin produced by erection of its papillae especially from cold, fear, or a sudden feeling of excitement called also goose pimples锛堢敱浜庡瘨鍐枫€佹亹鎯ф垨婵€鍔ㄨ€岃捣鐨勯浮鐨枡鐦╋級

    frumpy: dowdy: primly out of date锛堣。鐫€閭嬮仮鎴栬繃鏃剁殑锛屽崟璋冧箯鍛崇殑锛?/span>

    chart锛歳atings of the popularity of popular-music records, usually based on nationwide sales for a given week锛堟瘡鍛ㄦ祦琛屽敱鐗囨帓琛屾锛?/span>

    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Yang Fan