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Quake-hit county struggles to restart classes
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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2012-09-14 15:51:18

    銆€銆€A symbolic opening of a school comprising four tents in quake-hit Yiliang county in southwest China's Yunnan province inspired many people on Sept. 10, Chinese Teachers' Day. However, the area still has a long way to go before classes can be fully resumed.

    銆€銆€A little girl playing in a makeshift tent in Yiliang Couty, Yunnan Province, after the area was hit by a 5.7-magnitude earthquake last Friday.

    銆€銆€At Luobinhui Square, one of the largest temporary settlements for the quake-affected residents, Xu Xiaohong, 9, was chasing his peers in a tent on Wednesday.

    銆€銆€"I don't like school," said Xu. The comment from the Grade Two student at Jiaokui Town Primary School is normal for a kid his age, and indicates that life does not seem to be bad for Xu.

    銆€銆€But for Chi Kuanyan, 17, a Grade 12 student busy preparing for next year's college entrance exam, studying under canvas was not so easy.

    銆€銆€Chi is currently living in one of the 203 tents set up on the playground of Yiliang County No.1 Middle School, the largest school in the county with 4,782 students.


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    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? xinhua 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong