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    Sina said it has created a separate channel dubbed “Weibo Refutes Rumors” to spread denials of false information. It announced an email address for users to send reports of possible falsehoods.



    文中的Weibo Refutes Rumors就是指“微博辟谣”,也可以称为rumor refutal。一些网友还自发组织了“辟谣联盟”。谣言散布群体常称为rumor mill(谣言工厂,流言簿)。Rumor也可以直接作动词,比如It is rumored that she has committed suicide.(据传闻,她已自杀身亡。)

    微博(microblog)属于一种We-Media(自媒体)。在微博发展过程中,微博抄袭现象大量存在,微博版权事件频频出现,这被称为copy culture(复制文化)。微博不仅仅是信息传播的宠儿,更是“微博问政”的利器。写微博不能超过140个字,而两人在路上偶遇,停下来闲聊不超140秒就称为microvisit(微访)。

    Author:    Source: China Daily     Editor: Wu Qiong
