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Green Themed Park Opens in Beijing
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  • http://english.dbw.cn銆€銆€ 2010-07-19 10:20:14

    A fashion show was held at the opening ceremony. All the clothes were not made out of cloth or silk, but common materials such as plastic bags, waste paper and brass wires. [Photo:]

    Waste paper, abandoned vehicles, recycled clothing and even junk-clevis can be reused for fun and entertainment. Guests can now visit the 'Green' Theme Park which recently opened in Beijing.

    Located northeast of the Bird's Nest, the environment-themed park covers 20,000 square meters and features five indoor halls including Noah's Ark, which highlights interaction between nature and human beings, Glass Hall, Art of Regeneration Hall, Paper Hall and Gifts Hall.

    Amazed by the large Transformers-style creation of abandoned vehicles in the middle of the park, visitors are also attracted by an iron horse made of thousands of old clevises. Liu Dingzan, from Taiwan, is the artist behind the iron-horse.

    "My grandson is very interested in animals and wants a horse. So I bought him a real horse. Thereafter, I have got an idea of making a horse statue. It took me three years to collect all the clevises and I spent more than six months to make the iron horse. Not only my grandson but also many people like it and would like to ride on it."

    A fashion show was also held at the opening ceremony. All the clothes were not made out of cloth or silk, but common materials such as plastic bags, waste paper and brass wires. Sun Haixuan, organizer of the park says the more we discover from common life and do it ourselves, life becomes more fun.

    "We hope the exhibitions here enlighten visitors and encourage them to live a green and creative life, which is full of joy."

    Visitors will not only see large exhibits constructed of waste and recycled materials, but also experience sustainable lifestyles through games and various do-it-yourself activities.

    The new park is open from 9:30am to 9pm daily, and will last until October 10th.

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    Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? CRI 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong