鑻辫缇庢枃锛氭垜鍠滄浣犳槸闈欓潤鐨?/td> | |
2010-05-28 13:56:43
銆愯嫳鏂囧師鏂囥€?/strong> I like for you to be still: it is as through you are absent and you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you It seems as through your eyes had flown away and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth as all things are filled with my soul your emerge from the things, fill with my soul you are like my soul, a butterfly of dreams and you are like the word melancholy I like for you to be still, and you seem far away It sounds as though you are lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove And you hear me from far away, and my voice does not reach you Let me come to be still in your silence And let me talk to you with your silence That is bright like a lamp, simple as a ring You are like the night, with its stillness and constellations Your silence is that of a star, as remount and candid I like for you to be still: it is as though you are absent distant and dull of sorrow, as though you had died One word then, one smile, is enough And I m happy, happy that鈥檚 not true 銆愪腑鏂囪瘧鏂囥€?/strong> 鎴戝枩娆綘鏄潤闈欑殑锛?/span> 浠夸經浣犳秷澶变簡涓€鏍蜂綘浠庤繙澶勮亞鍚垜锛?/span> 鎴戠殑澹伴煶鍗存棤娉曡Е鍙婁綘濂藉儚浣犵殑鐩厜宸茬粡娓哥鑰屽幓 濡傚悓涓€涓惢锛屽皝缂勪簡浣犵殑鍢? 濡傚悓鎴戠Н婊′竴鍒囩殑鐏甸瓊 鑰屼綘浠庝竴鍒囦腑鍑虹幇锛屽厖鐩堜簡鎴戠殑鐏甸瓊 浣犲儚鎴戠殑鐏甸瓊锛?/span> 鍍忎竴鍙ⅵ鎯崇殑铦磋澏 浣犲鍚屸€滃咖閮佲€濊繖涓瘝 鎴戝枩娆綘鏄潤闈欑殑锛氬ソ鍍忎綘宸茶繙鍘?/span> 浣犲惉璧锋潵鎯冲湪鎮插徆锛?/span> 涓€鍙楦借埇缁嗚鐨勮澊铦朵綘浠庤繙澶勮亞鍚垜锛?/span> 鎴戠殑澹伴煶鍗存棤娉曡Е鍙婁綘 璁╂垜鍦ㄤ綘鐨勯潤璋т腑瀹夐潤鏃犲0 骞朵笖璁╂垜绫嶇潃浣犵殑娌夐粯涓庝綘璇磋瘽 浣犵殑娌夐粯浜嫢鏄庣伅锛岀畝鍗曞鐜?/span> 浣犲榛戝锛屾嫢鏈夊瘋闈欎笌缇ゆ槦 浣犵殑娌夐粯灏辨槸鏄熸槦鐨勫姏閲忥紝閬ヨ繙鑰屾槑浜? 鎴戝枩娆綘鏄潤闈欑殑锛氫豢浣涗綘娑堝け浜嗕竴鏍疯繙闅斿崈閲岋紝 婊℃€€鍝€鎭革紝浠夸經浣犲凡涓嶅湪浜轰笘褰兼椂锛?/span> 涓€涓瓧锛屼竴涓井绗戯紝灏卞凡瓒冲 鑰屾垜浼氭劅鍒板垢绂忥紝浣嗛偅鏍风殑骞哥鍗翠笉鐪熷疄 |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 鍙彲鑻辫 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong |