鎯呮櫙瀵硅瘽锛氬嚭鍥芥梾琛岃繃娴峰叧蹇呭鍙h | |
2010-05-28 11:23:45
濡傛灉浣犲幓鍥藉鏃呰鐨勮瘽锛屼笅浜嗛鏈哄悗蹇呭畾瑕佸厛閫氳繃娴峰叧锛岄偅涔堝湪娴峰叧绌剁珶浼氳闂埌浜涗粈涔堥棶棰樺憿锛熸垜浠簲璇ュ浣曞簲绛斿憿锛熻繖閲屾垜浠€氳繃涓€涓畝鐭殑瀵硅瘽涓€璧锋潵瀛︿範涓€涓嬨€?/span> Officer: May I see your passport please? 娴峰叧浜哄憳锛氭垜鍙互鐪嬩竴涓嬫偍鐨勬姢鐓у悧锛?/span> Henry: Sure, Here you are. And this is the declaration form銆?/span> 浜ㄥ埄锛氬綋鐒讹紝缁欐偍銆傝繖鏄叆澧冪敵璇疯〃銆?/span> Officer: What's the purpose of your visit? 娴峰叧浜哄憳锛氳闂偍姝よ鐨勭洰鐨勬槸浠€涔堬紵 Henry: I'm here on business銆?/span> 浜ㄥ埄锛氭垜鏉ヨ繖鍎垮饱琛屽叕鍔°€?/span> Officer: This visa is good for two weeks. How long will you be staying? 娴峰叧浜哄憳锛氭偍鐨勭璇佹湡闄愭槸涓や釜鏄熸湡锛屼綘鎵撶畻寰呭闀挎椂闂达紵 Henry: For ten days銆?/span> 浜ㄥ埄锛?0澶╀互鍚庡氨鍥炲幓浜嗐€?/span> Officer: And you will do some traveling while you are here? 娴峰叧浜哄憳锛氳繖鏈熼棿鎮ㄤ細鍘绘梾琛屽悧锛?/span> Henry: Yes, I want to spend a couple days for traveling. I have friends there I will visit銆?/span> 浜ㄥ埄锛氭槸鐨勶紝鎴戣鍘绘嫓璁挎湅鍙嬨€?/span> Officer: What do you have in the bag, sir? 娴峰叧浜哄憳锛氬厛鐢燂紝璇烽棶鎮ㄧ殑鍖呴噷鏈変簺浠€涔堬紵 Henry: Just camera, clothes, and some books銆?/span> 浜ㄥ埄锛氬彧鏄収鐩告満銆佽。鏈嶅拰涓€浜涗功绫嶃€?/span> Officer: Would you mind opening the bag for me? 娴峰叧浜哄憳锛氳鎮ㄦ妸鍖呮墦寮€璁╂垜鐪嬬湅琛屽悧锛?/span> Henry: Alright銆?/span> 浜ㄥ埄锛氬ソ鐨勩€?/span> Officer: OK. Enjoy your trip, sir銆?/span> 娴峰叧浜哄憳锛氬彲浠ヤ簡銆傜鎮ㄦ梾閫旀剦蹇紝鍏堢敓銆?/span> Henry: Thank you銆?/span> 浜ㄥ埄锛氳阿璋€?/span> |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 娌睙鑻辫缃? 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong |