英剧迷素养:关于英国你不得不知的30件事! | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2017-06-21 16:58:54 |
卷福I like,花生I like,女王姐姐I like,马铃薯I也like。虽然腐国剧的更新速度经常给人宿便难排的痛感,但这并不妨碍我们跟它发生充满粉红泡泡的亲密关系。 不过,虽然追了这么多的英剧和电影,但你真的了解英国吗? 英语(精品课)军今天深挖了英国的方方面面,找出了30条英国人觉得天经地义、外国人却不一定知道的冷知识。快来测一测自己是不是合格的英剧粉吧,记得做好记录哦。 ![]() 1. The British are judged on which supermarket they shop at and the hierarchyoften goes like this: Waitrose/M&S, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Asda, Lidl, Aldi. 英国人根据一个人去什么超市买东西来评判一个人的社会地位。通常由高到低依次是:维特罗斯/玛莎百货→森宝利→乐购→阿斯达→利德尔→阿尔迪。 2. You may hear a British person ask for “tomato ketchup.” As opposed to the onion ketchup? 英国人说番茄酱的时候可能会说tomato ketchup而非单纯的ketchup。因为他们还有洋葱酱onion ketchup。 3. Getting “pissed”means drunk, but it can also mean angered. Confusing. Getting pissed不光有“被惹毛了”的意思,它也可以表示“喝醉了”,真是令人费解。 ![]() 4. In restaurants, British people always insist on sitting by the window despite the views; even if it’s pouring (pissing*) down the rain and in the middle of a busy car park. (*Another use of “pissed!”) 在餐厅就餐的时候,英国人总是坚持要坐在窗边。及时窗外没有什么景色也一样,甚至在一个下着大雨、停满车的停车场旁也一样。 ![]() 5. If you don’t ask your British colleagues if they would like a cup of tea or a coffee when you go to make yours, then you instantly get the stink eye. 如果你去给自己弄了一杯茶或咖啡,但事先没有问英国同事要不要,那友谊的小船说翻就翻。 6. Drinking alcohol profusely is encouraged at most work events and the rejoicing together the next day with a unanimous hangover. 大部分公司聚会都鼓励大喝特喝,于是第二天大家上班的时候就会愉快地集体宿醉。 7. If you need to pee then it’s a “wee,” and if you need the bathroom then it’s “the toilet” or “loo.” 尿尿不叫pee而叫wee。洗手间不叫bathroom而叫toilet和loo。 ![]() 8. The weather is a true topic of conversation, and you will discuss it with at least two people every day. (I now actively join in with this.) 天气真的是个超级受欢迎的话题,你一天至少要和两个人谈天气。(比如我现在正在谈呢。) 9. The roads are small and the cars are often smaller. 路都很窄,而车通常也小小的。 ![]() 10. There’s a high volume of hatchbackson the road and the majority of people drive a manual car. If you have a driving license to drive automatic, then you cannot drive a manual. Oh, and an SUV is immediately called a 4x4. 路上有很多车都是无尾式的,而且绝大部分人开手动挡的车。如果你的驾照是自动挡的,那你不可以开手动挡的车。哦对了,他们直接管SUV叫4x4。 11. Five-week paid vacations and amazing maternityleave is a real thing and does exist. Hats off to the British for that. 英国人拥有每年5周的带薪假期,还拥有羡慕死人的产假。土豪请容我一拜。 ![]() 12. Be prepared to pack your own shopping bags and being asked if you would like to pay for a 5pbag (or upgrade to a “bag for life”) otherwise you’re left carrying your items in your hands as all shopping bags now cost 5p to save the environment. 去买东西的时候记得自己带好购物袋,或者结账的时候收银员会问你要不要花5便士买塑料袋(还能升级成“永久版的购物袋”),要不然你就得自己用手把东西搬走了,因为为了环保现在所有的塑料袋都卖5便士。 13. When greeting someone you may hear “you alright?” rather than “how are you?” It’s the same thing, but it can get confusing. 跟人打招呼的时候,他们可能说“you alright?”而不是“how are you?”,两者的意思是一样的,不过有时真的很让人摸不清头脑。 ![]() 14. The British are brand savvy. The vacuum is called the “Hoover;” cream cheese is “Philadelphia;” 英国让常常用一个品牌来指代一类东西。吸尘器叫“胡佛”,奶油乳酪叫“费城”。 15. Band aids are “plasters;” 创可贴叫“药膏”。 16. Q-tips are “cotton buds.” 棉签叫“棉花苞”。 ![]() 17. Parking lots are called “car parks,” and you will rarely find one that is free. Especially at hospitals! 停车场叫car parks,而且基本没有几个是免费的,尤其是医院的那些! ![]() 18. Nurses don’t wear scrubs, and you’ll often see them in the traditional uniform (still a dress for women!) 护士们是不穿外科手术服的,他们通常穿的都是传统服制服。(女人穿的依旧是连衣裙!) 19. British people don’t say they have “errands to run,” rather they have “things/ bits to do.” 英国人在需要外出做事的时候不说have errands to run,他们说have things/bits to do。 ![]() 20. The police don’t carry guns; therefore, the general public do not carry guns (for the majority.) 警察是不带枪的,所以大众也不带枪(至少绝大部分不带)。 21. British people do not make small talk with strangers, and they would never strike up conversation with someone on public transportation. 英国人不会去和陌生人寒暄,也绝不会再公共交通工具上谈话。 22. Occasions and get-togethers can sometimes drag on and end awkwardly because no one likes to make excuses to leave. 聚会什么的有时候可能进行得特别长,然后尴尬收场,因为没有人喜欢主动提出离开。 ![]() 23. Everyone talks about getting home extensions, and it’s the norm as most houses are very small in comparison to American-style homes. 每个人都在谈房屋扩建,而且这是常态,因为英国的大部分房子跟美国比起来都很小。 24. The British do not embrace the fall (aka Autumn) and completely by-pass the pumpkin spice craze like Americans. (Though thank you, Starbucks, for your Pumpkin Spice Lattes!) 英国人既不喜欢也不庆祝秋天(对了,他们管秋天叫autumn而不是fall),而且英国人跟美国人一样对万圣节期间的南瓜口味狂热季完全无感(不过还是要感谢星巴克推出南瓜拿铁!) ![]() 25. There are only three main fast food restaurants, and those are McDonalds, Subway, Burger King, and the occasional KFC. 在英国看见的快餐品牌基本只有三家:麦当劳、赛百味、汉堡王,只偶尔能看到肯德基。 26. You will rarely see drive-thru banks, Starbucks, fast-food restaurants etc. 银行、星巴克、快餐厅基本不会设有美国那种车道窗口。 ![]() 27. It’s called a “take away” rather than having “take out.” 外带食品叫take away而非take out。 28. You rarely receive a lot of (if any) ice in your drink, British people would rather drink a warm coke rather than ice as they see it dilutes their drink and/or they do not get as much coke. This would be because there is no such thing as “free refills” (apart from Nandos or American restaurants like TGI Friday’s.) 英国卖的杯装饮料里基本没有冰,英国人宁愿喝温可乐也不喝加冰的,他们认为冰会让饮料变淡,而且冰多了可乐就少了呀,而这一切可能是因为在英国没有“免费续杯”(南多斯烤鸡店和一些美食餐厅除外)。 ![]() 29. Pickles are “gherkins” and “pickle” is a type of condiment. 腌黄瓜叫gherkins而不是pickles,pickle在英国指的是一种调味料。 30. It’s “jumpers,” not “sweaters.” 毛衣叫jumpers而不是sweaters。 好~~~~接下来是开心的评分时间,来看看自己是哪个等级的英剧迷吧。 知道25~30个:骨灰级英剧迷。整个容说不定就能去英国做卧底了。 知道15~24个:高级英剧迷。很好,你已经可以给吃瓜群众收费开班了。 知道5~14个:合格英剧迷。不错,你可以拍着胸脯说自己喜欢看英剧。 知道0~4个:入门级英剧迷/似乎不是英剧迷。额,革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力,旁边那位盆友是不是走错摄影棚了?
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |