英语热词:无法照顾孩子?“奶奶保姆”来帮你 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2017-05-19 10:09:22 |
父母双职工无法照顾孩子,不少爷爷奶奶们就承担起了照顾孙辈的工作,他们不仅操心费力,有时候还要额外搭钱补贴子女的小家庭。 Granny nanny is a grandmother who cares for her grandchildren while their parents are working. 奶奶保姆指的是在儿女上班时,承担起照顾孙子孙女工作的祖母或外祖母。 Families squeezed by falling real incomes and rising childcare costs are increasingly relying on the generosity of ‘granny nannies’ to help them out. 因为实际收入下降和育儿成本上升而在经济上捉襟见肘的家庭越来越依赖于奶奶保姆的大方来帮助他们。 The term granny nanny can also refer to a nanny (that is, a non-relative hired to care for one’s children) who is a senior or to a person hired to care for a senior. 奶奶保姆还可以指雇来照顾孩子的非亲属年长保姆,或者雇来照顾老年人的保姆。 The nation’s granny nannies carry out ?22,000 worth of unpaid chores over the summer holidays, a study has revealed. 调查显示,英国的奶奶保姆们在暑假期间完成了价值2.2万英镑的无薪家务劳动。 |
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |