双语:7个超棒腹部减肥运动 和小肚子说再见! | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2017-04-25 09:26:09 |
![]() Cardio – running, swimming, biking – are all great forms of exercise and are known to be excellent for heart health. These exercises are the best way to melt away the fat fast when trying to lose a high number of pounds. 有氧——跑步,游泳、单车,都是非常好的运动,而且我们都知道它们对于心脏的健康都非常有好处。同时,当你想要大幅度减重的时候,这些运动时最好的燃脂方法。 However, the muffin top, the stubborn areas, are not going to be melted away with low intensity workouts. The best way to burn fat and gain muscle is in lifting weights and engaging in high-intensity training. High intensity workouts improve the body’s ability to use oxygen and your VO2max, which is the best indicator of the body’s cardiovascular endurance. 然而,小肚腩却是一个顽固的部位。低强度的运动是不会让它消失的。最好的方法是通过举重和其他高强度的锻炼来燃烧脂肪,增加肌肉。高强度的锻炼能够提高身体对氧气的利用率和你的最大摄氧量,这是心血管耐力的最重要的指标。 #1. StabilityBall ObliqueCrunch: 平衡球斜向卷腹 ![]() 3 sets of 15 repetitions. 重复15个一组,做3组 How to: For beginners, place your feet against a wall for a bit more stabilization, then lay sidewayson the ball. The ball should be placed under the lower torso. Extend the body over the ball, then rise back up crunching the abs and obliques. Once you get more comfortable with the exercise, move away from the wall. 方法:如果是初学者,把你的脚抵着墙用来平衡,然后侧卧,一边躺在平衡球上,球要位于躯干偏下的部位。在球上伸展身体,并用卷腹来锻炼腹肌和腹斜肌。一旦你觉得自己可以掌控,可以试着远离墙来进行锻炼。 Impact: The side crunch, along with the stabilization, works the externalcoremuscles of the abdomencalled the oblique. The fat of the muffin top mostly covers the oblique muscle so by focusing on the side muscle groups, you’re targeting the areas not affected with just plain crunches. 作用:保持平衡性斜压,能够作用于腹部外的核心肌肉,学名叫“腹斜肌”。小肚腩的大部分脂肪会包裹这一部分,普通的腹肌锻炼不会锻炼到这一块目标区域,而斜向卷腹就可以。 #2. RotationalTwist, a.k.aRussian Twist with weight “螺旋转体”亦称“俄罗斯转体” ![]() 3 sets of 30-50 repetitions each side. 重复30-50个一边一组,做3组 How to: Sit in a seatedposition, lean your torso slightly back and keep your legs either on the floor for an easier workout, or lifted for a harder exercise. With some type of weighted object in your hands begin to rotateside to side. 方法:以一个稳定的方式坐下,背部微微后倾,双脚可以放在地上(低难度),也可以抬起双脚(难度更大)。手里拿一个重物,左右交替做转体运动,将重物左右交替放在地上。 Impact: This exercise again targets the obliques in a different direction than crunches. 作用:这个动作也是用来锻炼腹斜肌的,不过它和卷腹锻炼的方向不一样。 #3. Standing Oblique Crunch 直立斜向卷腹 ![]() 3 sets of 30-50 repetitions each side. 重复30-50个一边一组,做3组 How to: Stand up straight with both feet hipdistance apart. Standing on one foot, lift the other knee up while crunching your side toward your knee. Perform all repetitions on one side before switching to the other side. 方法:站直,liang。单腿站立,身体想站立的一侧膝盖倾斜时,同时抬起另一只膝盖,做完一边重复次数以后再做另一边。 Impact: This exercise is a simple way to work the obliques in an isolated way. It also targets the lower obliques, right along the waistline. 作用:这个动作能够将腹斜肌分离出来训练,而且它还会训练到腰线处的腹斜肌下部。 #4. Plank Cross Crunch and Spidermans 平板交叉抬腿和蜘蛛侠抬腿 ![]() 3 sets of 15 repetitions each side. 重复30-50个一边一组,做3组 How to: In a plank position bring your right knee to the left elbow and back. Continue for all repetitions before switching legs. For Spidermans, starting in a plank position as well, bring your right knee to your right elbow, resembling the spider crawling up a wall. 方法:做好平板动作,然后将右边膝盖抬到左边手肘处。等一处所有重复动作做完时,再换另一侧。蜘蛛侠动作,同样先做好平板动作,然后将你的右侧膝盖抬到右手肘处,就像是蜘蛛在墙上爬那样。 Impact: These two exercises originally work the abs in a plank stance, but with the crossover of your leg, it forces your obliques to work in the side crunch position. With spidermans, it is another way to engage the obliques in the crunch position, but effort is being used while in the plank position. 作用:这两组动作都作用于在平板动作中的腹部锻炼。通过腿部的交叉,间接地作用于腹部位置。蜘蛛侠的动作,是另外一种间接作用于腹部的动作。但是两种动作要基于先做好平板的基础动作上。 #5. Cable Crossover 拉锁器械交叉运动 ![]() 3 sets of 15 to 30 repetitions each side. 重复30-50个一边一组,做3组 How to: Stand a few steps away from the cable machine with your body lined up to the machine. With the cable at breast-level, place both hands on the handle with arms straight. With your abs flexed and tense, move your arms from across your chest to straight in front of you, while keeping your arms straight. Weight should be at an effort to do up to 30 reps at a moderate pace. Then switch sides. 方法:站在位于拉锁机械几步远的地方,和拉线的位置保持一致,拉线的位置在胸口,两只手伸直握住把手,让腹部受力紧缩,移动你的手臂从胸前到垂直向前,期间不能弯曲,拉力重量可以增加。一边做满30次以后再换另一边。 Impact: Abs are forced to contract with each side rep. With the weight, the obliques are being used both ways, when bringing the weight forward and releasing it slowly back. 作用:每一边动作重复时腹部都会收缩。当拉力重量增加时且动作放慢,两边的腹部都可以得到锻炼。 #6. High-Pulley Cable Crunch 向下拉锁器械卷腹 ![]() 3 sets of 15-30 repetitions. 重复30-50个一边一组,做3组 How to: With the cable pulley at the top, and at a moderate to high weight, attach the rope attachment. Holding onto the rope, lower down to your knees several spaces away from the machine. Place the rope slightly behind your head and crunch down toward the ground, rise slowly back up. 方法:将器械拉绳至于顶部,根据砝码重量,拉力重量冲中等到高,抓住拉力绳,将绳拉至膝盖位于器械稍远处,将拉力绳轻轻置于头后方,用腹部力量拉至地面,在轻轻抬起。 Impact: This variation of crunch uses the abs when crunching down and the slow, controlled release back up to the kneeling position. Allows a full range of motion and a greater strain on the lower obliques. 作用:当拉力绳缓慢拉下的,然后慢慢恢复到膝盖位置的时候可以锻炼不同的腹部肌肉。这一系列完整的动作可以很好的锻炼下腹肌。 #7. Leg Lifts/FlutterKicks 抬腿运动/踢腿 ![]() 3 sets of 15 repetitions. 重复15个一组,做3组 How to: Lying on your back, lift your legs up off the floor toward the ceiling. Then lower the legs coming down, keeping your legs inches from the floor. For a harder exercise keep your arms above your head. For flutter kicks, hover your feet off the floor and do a scissor or freestyle kick. 方法:仰面躺好,抬腿从地面向上。然后慢慢放下,在距离地面几英寸的地方保持一会儿。加强难度的锻炼是,在做上述动作的时候,还要把你的手臂举过头。踢腿运动是,将你的腿抬高,然后做剪刀腿,或者是自由踢腿。 Impact: These exercises engage your lower abs and obliques while your legs are lifted off the ground. The flutter kick motion alternates the sides of the abdomen muscles. 作用:这组动作能够锻炼你的下腹肌和侧腹肌,在你的腿离开地面的时候。踢腿运动能够轮流锻炼你的两侧腹肌。 |
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |