双语:特朗普座驾“野兽”曝光 总统新车长啥样 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2017-03-17 10:54:15 |
美国总统的座驾长啥样?外媒近日登出了美国总统特朗普新座驾的照片,目前这辆豪华装甲轿车已经进入最后的测试阶段,并将于3月30日投入使用。 ![]() 新的“野兽”豪华装甲轿车(中)已经进入最后的测试阶段。 It is known as Cadillac One and 'The Beast' or, as President Trump now calls it, his personal limousine service. 它被称为凯迪拉克一号和“野兽”,如今成为特朗普乘用的豪华轿车。 These pictures show the brand new incarnation of the President's official vehicle undergoing final testing before it is delivered to the White House. 从这些照片可以看出,特朗普这辆崭新的官方座驾在被伪装起来后接受最终检测,之后将被交付给白宫使用。 The sedan is longer than two large SUVs and, for the moment, remains in white and black camouflage designed to make it more difficult to identify new features aboard the vehicle. 这辆座驾比旁边的两辆大型SUV还要长很多,为了让人们更难看出车辆的新特征,现在还使用黑白色伪装起来。 The final version will be painted black and silver just like the current version, once it is given the final approval. 一旦最终获得认可,“野兽”的终极版本将像目前的总统座驾一样涂上黑色和银色。 General Motors, which reportedly made the vehicle, had hoped for it to be ready for Mr Trump's inauguration in January but it will now be deployed later this month. 据报道,通用汽车是“野兽”的制造商。通用原本希望“野兽”在特朗普1月就职前能投入使用,但后来被推迟到3月末。 ![]() 在就职典礼上,特朗普乘坐的还是旧款“野兽”。 The £1.2 million car is part of a fleet of 12 which cost around £15 million and is arguably the safest vehicle in the world, as befits the President of the United States. “野兽”造价120万英镑,据称是全球最安全的车辆,专为美国总统打造。美国总统车队共有12辆车,总价值约为1500万英镑。 The Beast weighs eight tonnes and has eight-inch thick steel doors that weigh the same as those on a Boeing 757 - and are sealed to withstand biological and chemical attacks. “野兽”重达8吨,8英寸厚的钢板车门重量堪比播音757机舱门。车辆内部空间与外界隔绝,以防受到生化袭击。 The front windscreen can withstand armour piercing bullets or a .44 magnum and the bodywork is military grade and five inches thick. “野兽”的前挡风玻璃可以防御穿甲弹,或者.44 magnum猎枪,有5英寸厚,达到军用等级。 The reinforced undercarriage with withstand going over a roadside bomb and the fuel tank is explosive resistant. 加固版底盘可以防御路边炸弹的袭击,邮箱也是防爆款。 Only the driver's side window can open in case he needs to pay a toll - and in the boot are cases of the President's blood for an emergency transfusion. 只有司机座位的侧窗可以打开,用来交费。后备箱还有总统的血液储备,用来应对紧急输血。 ![]() 英国《每日邮报》网页截图 Among the other features are shotguns on board in case an attack breaks out, Kevlar tyres that run even if they are flat and an oxygen system in the trunk in case of a chemical attack. 车上配有散弹枪,以防突然而来的袭击。即使车辆爆胎,凯夫拉轮胎也可以让车辆继续行驶。后备箱还有供氧系统,以防遭遇化学袭击。 A number of guns are hidden in the front grille of the vehicle which can be used to fire on an attacker. 车身前部的格栅中还藏有多把枪支,可以用来向袭击者开火。 The Beast also has night vision cameras on board and appears to run on diesel due to the oversized rectangular fuel filler door. “野兽”还有夜视摄像机,从巨大的长方形油箱盖来看,应该使用的柴油。 The Beast is not the only hi-tech vehicle in the Presidential fleet. “野兽”并不是总统车队中唯一一辆高科技车辆。 Among the motorcade is the President's own communications antenna - a mobile cellphone tower strapped to the top of a car in his motorcade. 车队还配有总统专用的通信天线,这其实是安装在其中一辆车顶部的手机信号塔。 One of the few times The Beast has broken down was in 2013 when a driver put the wrong fuel into it while on a trip to Israel. “野兽”很少出故障,其中一次是在2013年,在以色列行驶时一名司机加错了油。 The embarrassing blunder left the Secret Service scrambling to find a vehicle that could take President Obama around Tel Aviv. 因为这个让人尴尬的失误,美国特勤局不得不另找一辆车载着奥巴马逛特拉维夫。 He was not on board at the time. 当时奥巴马没在车上。 Mr Obama's staff had anticipated every eventuality with The Beast and had bought generators and backup equipment - but they did not count on such a basic human error. 奥巴马的工作人员设想了无数种可能,还买了发电机和后援设备,但他们没想到这其实是一个非常基本的人为失误。 Another incident was on a 2011 trip to Ireland when The Beast got stuck on a speed bump outside the US Embassy in Dublin. 另一起事故发生在2011年的爱尔兰之行,当时“野兽”在都柏林的美国大使馆外的减速带上趴窝了。 英文来源:每日邮报 |
Author: Source:xinhua Editor:Yang Fan |